Do you think we're "damaged goods" now?
Does Our Being A JW At One Time Mean That We Now Have "Baggage"?
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
Do you think we're "damaged goods" now?
No, just used! (or should that be abused??)
I think so, especially those raised in the troof, who have to try figure out what life is about all over again when they get out..
Can you count inexperience as baggage?
I'm sure those that joined later in life and hung around for a long time must be ruing the time they've wasted in their lives. -
I think it is all what a person makes of it. I have met a few xjws that seem to relish in their "phobias" or whatever. They didn't want to progress or grow. It seemed almost comforting to them in some sick way to be able to say "that's just the way I am".
Others made real progress by getting into the real world, learning things, reading, going to school & becomming more active. Most people seem really motivated to learn & grow as individuals. So personally, I think the only thing one can do about the lemons is to make lemonade, learn from it & reach out. I do think it can be un-learned & overcome, & people can go on to get the most out of life & freedom.
I definitely have issues/baggage. How could we not. We've been lied to, manipulated, abused, robbed of our childhood, guilted, shamed, controlled, shunned.....should I go on? It's work to recover from it all.
Woman know your place
We all have baggage... just living on this earth presents us all with our own unique blend of pain, suffering and strife. It's what we do with our baggage that counts.
Using a tough background to excuse bad behaviour, indulging in our negative emotions, victimising ourselves..... in other words, not facing up to the fact that no matter what has happened in our lives, only we have the power to heal ourselves, will only lead to us gathering more and more baggage.
Magazines, newspapers and TV shows regularly feature people who have endured hardship e.g. rape or kidnap, and who have now dealt with the horrors of their trauma (to the best extent possible). These people are admired for their strength, not defamed for their 'baggage'.
I like to think that I have turned my difficult upbringing into my success story. I am much stronger and less afraid than your average person. When you sacrifice your family for your integrity, you tend to be much less daunted by everyday life. I also like to think that I am more thoughful and open-minded than I would have been had I been given a 'normal' upbringing.
The mental and emotional damage done by the wt was very severe. I really don't think anyone breaks completley free from the mental and emotional abuse that it has caused to so many people.
So, do we have baggage? We sure do and not only now but as long as we will live. The only difference is that we will improve with time but it will never go completley away.
Everbody has "baggage"....regardless if they were in a high control group or not. I think experiencing a "high control group" adds "extra baggage".
How you decide to carry your baggage makes a "huge" difference in your life. Learning how to get rid of baggage is another issue.
I found a book that you may enjoy reading:
"Repacking your Bags---How to Live with a New Sense of Purpose" by Richard J. Leider & David A. Shapiro.
OH yes, but this extra baggage has a huge learning experiance with it, that is and can be used to help others.
People who have had abusive relations with other people come out of it with emotional baggage. We had an abusive relationship with an organization or cult (made up of many people). We are definately going to come out with emotional baggage.
The good thing is, in either one of these situations, we can reduce the amount of baggage we have.