If the far "left" are communist then the far "right" is...

by confusedjw 24 Replies latest social current

  • confusedjw

    Seriously. I've thought about this.

    When the "left" go to the very end we get communism. (Who wants that)

    What about the right?

    I think you get the Vikings!

    No or little government, everyone for themselves. (Who wants that)

  • Yerusalyim

    Exremes of anything are bad...All things in moderation, nothing in excess...but don't over do it.

    The Vikings? Nah, the Rams will take the Vikings this year.

  • Robdar
    No or little government, everyone for themselves. (Who wants that)

    Let's not forget about pillaging smaller countries. They like to do that too.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    In reality there was little practical difference between the National Socialist Party (far right) and the Communist Party (far left).

    The Vikings always choke under pressure.

  • Satanus

    Actually, there is an extreme rightist guy called lyndon larouche. This guy often runs for pres. If he got in, he would make w bush look like a girl guide.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I doubt if you can be more far right than The John Birch Society. They were very popular in the 50's and 60's:


    "The John Birch Society, an organization of the radical Right, was established in Indianapolis in 1958 to combat what was perceived to be the infiltration of communism into American life. Its founder, Robert H. W. Welch, a Massachusetts businessman, named the society after a Baptist missionary who had been killed by Chinese Communists in 1945. Starting with only eleven members, the John Birch Society grew rapidly, drawing considerable support from rich conservatives; by the early 1960s it had an estimated annual income of $5 million and a membership of 60,000 to 100,000. John Birchers placed their principal emphasis on the extent to which communism had established control over the U.S. government; among those they accused of being "dedicated, conscious agents of the Communist conspiracy" were President Dwight D. Eisenhower, cia director Allen Dulles, and Chief Justice Earl Warren. The society has produced an extensive list of publications, offered cash prizes for college essays on topics like the impeachment of Warren, and maintained that the United States must become as conspiratorial as the communists in order to combat their subversion of American society"

  • SixofNine
    If the far "left" are communist then the far "right" is...

    ...afraid of their own shadows. Frightened little sissies masquerading as tough.

  • Robdar
    ...afraid of their own shadows. Frightened little sissies masquerading as tough.

    Six called it! Wish I'd had the balls to say it.


  • Yerusalyim

    So much for a serious discussion or a dialouge about differences.

    .afraid of their own shadows. Frightened little sissies masquerading as tough.
  • Simon

    Communists and Facists ... both as bad as each other and so extreme that they go right round the bend and nearly meet at the other side.

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