Update on my disappearance

by Amazing1914 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing1914

    I have not been on the board much. I have been back in the Diploma Factory (university) since the middle of May. It is very fun. The professors are very good. My current instructor is an African American woman from the South. She is a riot! Everyone in class loves her. I passed my college proficiency exams in math, English, and critical thinking. I am especially pleased that my math score was 100%. As soon as they get my entire past course hours transferred, then it will allow me to move into my advanced classes. (I have over 900 course hours to get credited - LOL.)

    As a passing thought: Please don't bite each other?s heads off regarding politics. It's not worth it. While we favor one candidate over another ... in the long run it does not make that much difference. Life goes on. Our relationships here on the board are far more important than political debate. The thing that disgusts me the most are the conspiracy theories. Use good critical thinking to evaluate the claims of both sides. Politicians, like Hollywood fiction artists, are expert spin masters, similar to the Watchtower. Both candidates have their strengths and weaknesses, and both can do a good job. I just hate to see all the venom and extreme passion - especially if it causes us to become enemies - we have been through too much for that sort of thing.

    Anyway, see you all sometime later. Have fun and keep things lightened up with humor. Spanish

    Jim W.

  • wasasister

    Hi Jim, glad to have you back. Intersting that you chose this to make your point:

    fueled by irrational extremists like Michael Moore / Fahrenheit 911 for example.

    There are lots of extremists on both sides and I want nothing to do with either. If my side happens to win (let the reader use discernment), I'll fight vigorously to keep the opposition's voice strong. Only when we listen to all sides of an agrument are we truly free. Those who would shut the mouths of those who disagree with them are insecure in their positions.

    Good luck with all your endeavors. So good to see you here.


  • onacruse

    Mr. Jim, good to see ya' again!

    You know what they say about people who spend too much time reading books! LOL

    Speaking of which: just started reading Under the Banner of Heaven.


  • shamus

    I was wondering where you were, and am glad that you're okay. Good advice too, about the political threads.

    Hope your health is well.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I too was wondering where you went. Good to hear from you and the update on what's going on in your life. Sounds exciting. I wish I could go back to the good old college days {{{{sigh}}}} how fun.

    Great advice regarding political issues..... life's too short. Take care...and keep checking back with us .

  • xenawarrior

    Nice to see you Jim !!! Glad you are enjoying the university programs !!!


  • kls

    So there you are . I thought you dun dare died and didn't come back to tell us. Glad all is going well, but check in more offten so we know you are still with us.

  • toreador

    Dont wait so long to check back in with us. I always enjoy reading your posts.


  • ros

    Amazing and Wasasister:

    Good comments! Recently while killing time at an airport between flights, I discovered a book by Tammy Bruce (LA feminist radio talk show host of left-wing socio-political perspectives), and through it a previous book ("The New Thought Police"). I would never have imagined that I might be impressed by the views of one such as Ms.Bruce, but I surely AM--to an extraordinary degree! I am equally delighted by the realization, and relief, that in agreeing with her far more than I disagree with her on the issues, this agreement is quite obviously (at least in my mind) not based on social or cultural bias. I am grateful to her. Check it out if it might interest you.


  • Mulan

    Hey Jim. So glad you are doing well. Happy to hear from you.

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