Well, Lehaa, I certainly don't recommend it but...
1) You have to attend ALL the meetings. Missing a meeting here is more crucial than it ever was. You have to come in just as the meeting starts, talk to no one, sit it the back. Usually, the attendant will direct you. I don't recommend sitting with family. You have to leave right afterwards; do not talk to anybody, except if you need publications, you must ask an elder on your JC who will either get them for you or direct the brother to get them for you. You can only get the pubs that are available to the general public (no CDs, Proclaimers or Insight books). PS: In my area DF'd cannot sing any songs.
2) Most elder bodies will not reinstate before a year has passed, unless you are an elder's family member or business partner, or a good buddy.
3) When about 10 months has gone by, you can submit a letter to one of the elders on your JC (assuming you are in the same congregation you were DF'd from; if not, see #4)
4) If not, then the BOE in the new congregation will have to contact the JC in the congregation that DF'd you and say they feel you should be reinstated for the following reasons. Then that JC must judge if you should be let back in.
5) It goes without saying (I love that phrase) that you should not be publicly doing anything that is a DF'ing offense or questionable such as dating a non-JW, dressing improperly, etc.
6) Be sure to appear properly humble at the meetings; head bowed and sad face.
7) Even after reinstatement while you are on restrictions (not commenting at meetings, not being allowed on the school, cannot pioneer, cannot be used in demos, etc.), people will "mark" you as bad association. This can last a year too but is not official. Some JWs will mark you for life anyway.
I'm sure I missed some official steps, but good luck, Lehaa.