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by Big Jim 113 Replies latest jw friends

  • riz

    I was born into it. One of my sisters bailed with me, the other one is still very devout. I was a 3rd generation jw. Lucky me.


  • Enlighted UK
    Enlighted UK

    My mum was contacted in door to door work by an elderly lady, i was about 3 years old.

    Mum was baptized first, then dad (he held out a bit I think).

    We carried on the usual JW course, dad became MS then Elder. I became best friends with the elderly lady's grand-daughter. Married a JW. My best friend was then DF, and we were not allowed to talk to her.

    Then, 3 years ago, my daughter was born with severe health problems. The blood issue started the everyone's "thinking wheels" turning.

    My mum and dad "drifted" away, along with my youngest brother. My other brother "drifted" away with his wife (whose mother was JW, but herself not baptised). Then I "drifted" away. My husband is now (I hope/I think) beginning to drift away to.

    We are now making plans to celebrate my daughters third birthday!! And I can't wait for Christmas (sad to think I am wishing the summer away!!).

    Enlighted UK

    Enjoy your life, it is the only one you'll have.

  • Englishman

    My parents were converted when I was 8. I was DF'd at age 26 for associating with other DF'd persons.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Fredhall

    Well good for you Englishman.

  • Englishman

    My parents were converted when I was 8. I was DF'd at age 26 for associating with other DF'd persons.



    Well good for you Englishman.

    That's right, young Fred-me-lad, I was DF'd for doing just the same as what you do here. Maybe it's your youth that saves you from the elders?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • ticatoo

    I was "born" into it....father and grandfather were Jdubs.

  • somebody

    My parents were sucked into it by a family friend when I was 8.


  • MoeJoJoJo

    My uncle who was witnessed to by his boss, witnessed to my mother who was then baptized shortly before I was born. My uncle witnessed to all eight of his siblings who all studied and all but one was baptized. My mom is the only one of her siblings still active-the others were either DAd or Dfd.
    My husband is a 3rd generation JW-his family is one of those families that Joel talked about- "large families who were Witnesses who were related to everyone in the circuit by blood or marriage".

    "plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers." -Veronica A. Shoffstall

  • MoeJoJoJo

    sorry, posted same thing twice

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Great topic Big Jim:

    I just finished reading everyones' "beginning"....very interesting.

    My parents were reached in the d2d in the early 40's before I was born. They only took the book in the first place because they wanted to build a library, but were talked into a study and then baptism with the usual scare tactics that the big "A" was going to happen "real soon".

    I was born several years later and grew up with the anticipation that the big "A" was going to happen any day before I'd ever go to school, then High School, then graduate, then go to work, then get married, then have children and then the cycle started all over again with my they're both married and I'm a new grandma.

    The funny thing? mom still says "the end is so close...any day now".

    So survey recap:
    My parents came in from d2d work, my brother was a baby at that time and I was born into it.

    My mother brought in about 3-4 that I can remember from the d2d work in the 50's.

    My father usually was asked to study with unbelieving husbands and boyfriends and brought everyone of them to baptism. (He was very kind and loving)

    My ex-husband was an RC who became a JW as a result of first reading a book I gave him written by an ex-Catholic priest exposing their dirty little skeletons of molestation in the church. (Wonder what he'll think when these same dirty little skeletons of the JW's get exposed!) [8>]

    That's it for me!

    Had Enough

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