Let's take pictures of Kingdom Halls!
by Nosferatu 69 Replies latest jw friends
Accident at Kingdom Hall buiding, one woman dead:
Special K
Some of these pictures are kind of funny..
except the one where a lady died. Sad.
Some really do look like funeral homes
I find others look like restaurants.
Special K
Valis found the public lavatory...........
bwahahahah...we stopped by one as two brothers were outside, prolly splitting a fag between em...*LOL* They must have thought the barbarians had invaded and brought thier digital cameras with them! *LOL*, but don't get me started on about my camera, which isn't working. A BIG THANKS TO TRUCKER for allowing me to use his camera! Unfortunately for the English country side there are all the halls we've posted so far within a very close radius of each other..so me and gadge decided to have some fun and stop at them amongst our travels....wouldn't they be suprised to get a visit from thier DO..*LOL* Having a blast and already planning a return visit! Cheers to all and have a great day.
District Overbeer
Yes, that one picture those two look rather intrigued by what's going on.
Better to do that than sitting in a pub drinking, LOL!
Better to do that than sitting in a pub drinking, LOL!
Don't worry, we've been doing plenty of that too! We're just heading back out to one now............
They where so funny seeing Valis infront of each KH.
How many flippin KH's is there up your way, anyway!!!!!!!!!?
How many flippin KH's is there up your way, anyway!!!!!!!!!?
Theres loads, one every 3-4 miles. So when we've been touring the countryside we have passed many for us to desecrate. We got a few strange looks from the ones which were having meetings on at the time.... We scared them real good!
I am not suprised you scared some JW having meetings, LOL!