Dearest far you have all been so very good to me. I think back to when I first started posting and to think that a few years later I would not only be meeting, you, but so many of you would be opening up your homes to me for a visit. It confirms what I have known for a good long time that good people are there, you just have to be very fortunate and willing to buy your ticket and take your ride. When I get home I will give a detailed account of my journeys, which have been filled with not only beautiful scenery, but wonderful friends who are genuinely concerned about having friends AND KEEPING THEM. That I suppose is the biggest reason I'm posting this morning. I know there has been yet another dust up about political threads, but all I will say is that I find it curious that the same people who work so hard toward finding concensus on so many issues want to be so ugly about politics. So much so that they are willing to ruin friendships and make it hard for everyone. No one person's words are that important and if you cannot refrain from being ugly then bollocks! *LOL* Just ask Simon or anyone else around when he got the more than earfull from me...I don't mince words and I certainly don't give a good goddam who I tell...Just have a sit back and remember you and your ideas are not the be all and end all. I don't give a shit how smart you think you are or what you think you know about politics. It doesn't matter, because as is evinced by most of your behavior it is not your intention to try and talk about ways to make things better, or even come to a common solution.. You like to sport your dogmatic and rather tired spiel coming from either side respectively...That my friends in total honesty is a load of horse shit and you do this board no good when that is your motive.. You may argue that you are XJWs who never got to talk about politics, but you so many times fail to recognize you are XJWs who never spent the time developing real friendships, because the last time you went round with the dogmatic blather you were always "right" and proceeded to alienate people. Do you see? Are you so [edit] right all the time you have to act like jackases and make it hard for the rest of to enjoy your company? Or perhaps you just don't care what other people feel or think...whatever it is, please just let the rest of us know so we know one way or other. Good night and cheers from the UK....Having a great time and loving every moment.
District Overbeer