French, you are doing great in the English department. I really admire you for trying and for asking for help, which you have been offered. Having said that, please don't beat yourself up over this, you are doing fine. Bug
My mistakes ...
by frenchbabyface 25 Replies latest jw friends
Now how do we know you're speaking English with us, all we see is type? huh? huh?
I don't see many errors frenchbabyface.
Tu ne fait pas trop d'erreurs d'ortographe frenchbabyface. Combien de langues parles-tu?
Here's one I'm not sure about; input may be needed.
I have friends that I want to inform about it (in English)
I have friends whom I want to inform about it (in English)
I could be wrong.
Some are better informed in English grammar than others. Growing up in Texas was not conducive to proper English, but we did have English teachers with red pencils and they were quick to use them for any number of reasons including improper grammar.
French, learn proper English at your own speed, not at the speed someone else thinks would be right. You don't need to worry about a teachers red pencil. Bug
Hey lady!!!
I just wanted to say how I admire you!!!
I don't even speak 2 languages...oh yeah...I took a year of Spanish and French in High School. (so I understand a "little" bit) The fact that you are able to speak and write English at all amazes me!!! I have heard that the English language is very difficult to learn.
I wish the American school systems would incorporate a 2nd language EARLY, in grade school. Sure is easier to learn a 2nd language when you are "young"...
So pat yourself on the back....and have a great day!!!
El Kabong
FBF. Your English is fine. As a matter of fact, you speak (ok... type) english better than some native english speakers. Are there some mistakes in grammar? Yes. But that applies to nearly everyone from time to time.
One way I like to brush up on my english. (I am a native english speaker) is to do some word puzzles like crossword, cryptograms, word search, and other type of word puzzles. I get a magazine put out by Dell every month filled with these type of puzzles. I find it a good way to brush up on my language skills. If they don't have these kind of magazines where you live, PM me.
Keep posting. I always enjoy your posts.
franklin J
Mon cher Frenchbabyface,
Votre langue maternelle est dielicieuse pour parlar et ecouter. votre connaissance de l'anglais imprime en ces textes est bonne; meileur que mon Francais je suis sur. Je bous parlerais plutot en Francais. J'emploie ma connaissance de la langue Francaise tellement rarement de nos jours...
Helas, I can't really help you: I am making the same mistakes since English is'nt my language either.
Funny, I've asked some native English friends to correct me (by telephone) when I do make mistakes.
She said that since I am active on this forum, my English is improving. Never the less, I am sure there are lots of mistakes made by me, so all of you who want to correct me - please do.
OMG ! Thanks to all of you
You took the time to correcting and helping me ... I'll take my time to answer to each one of you ... after dinnerit's seems like, this topic will be my reference book on my English bulls ... I'm so happy that you are willing to help ! I was wondering ... cause it is not really funny to do it ... but you did !
by now I have so much good feelings ...
gonna read the threads of the day and write all of you !Again THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU