This really irritates me. Millions are being mislead by the society because they are holding out a false hope that they will see their dead loved ones again, including marriage mates. How many do you know that are aching and waiting to see their husband or wife in the new system? When quizzed about this very thing, Jesus replied in Luke 20:35 that: "but those who have been counted worthy of gaining that system of things and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage." How much more clear can it be stated, yet pictures, sermons, etc..feed off of people's desire to see loved ones again. But don't question this! You will be told that there are just some things that are better left to God, we need not worry about such trivial matters. Shhhhh, tell your brain to stop reasoning....shhhhh, it will all be you are sleeping while awake...shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......
No marriage after resurrection-MORE LIES
by Jez 11 Replies latest jw friends
Well at least they'll get to screw their former mate.
You're correct, of course.
In recent years, the Society has been 'low balling' this doctrine and avoiding all discussion
of it. They try to leave it ambiguous so that they don't scare potential magazine peddlers
At one time, they actually tried to eliminate all reference to marriage and childbearing in
the New Earth, reasoning that it seemed unlikely to have such a huge class of people
not being able to marry while allowing Armageddon survivors to 'do it'. Some older brothers
managed to get them to soft pedal this stuff because it could be very disruptive.
Actually the resurrection is not a resurrection at all. It is a recreation in a perfect replica body.
The Watchtower society doesn't know it's ass from it's elbow on this topic.
Yep, this particular topic always bothered me as a dub. The verse is so clear, yet the Society skirts around the issue. Usually they say something like, "Jehovah will ensure you have all you need to be happy in the new system!" Gag.
Millions are being mislead by the society because they are holding out a false hope that they will see their dead loved ones again, including marriage mates.
The witnesses believe as the scripture you quoted.......that mates will see their former mates, but they will not be able to marry them if they have been resurected and haven't both lived through armageddon together. I don't see the argument here.
They often said to wait t'ill the new system to get married.....
If you die, you won't get married in the new system.
Somewhere buried in some past magazine it was taught that this teaching was directed at the anointed brothers of Jesus.