Well, I'm awaiting comments too Yiz.
I've kinda given up on you commenting on falsly charcterising the effectiveness of condoms in the control of HIV by using a survey based on latex gloves.
Will you make me wait for your comment on whether a 33 week-old fetus is a fair representation of a normal abortion?
Or regarding the impossibility of assuging equal value to say a 12 week-old fetus and and new born due to the massive chasm of neurological development seperating them UNLESS one believes in invisable magic bits?
Or the fact there is no law against abortion in the Mosaci Law, even though it was known of.
But, unlike you, I will give you coments as I have no reason to evade your questions.
Here's an interesting analysis of the word nephesh;
It will be seen that the word "soul", in its theological sense, does not cover all the ground, or properly represent the Hebrew word "nephesh". The English word "soul" is from the Latin solus = alone or sole, because the maintenance of man as a living organism, and all that affects his health and well-being, is the one sole or main thing in common with every living thing which the L ORD God has made.
Golly gosh, seems no doubt there the word refers to a living organism, not some invisable spook.
The correct Latin word for the theological term "soul" (or nephesh) is anima; and this is from the Greek anemos = air or breath, because it is this which keeps the whole in life and in being. [The usage of the corresponding New Testament word psuche will be presented in a later Appendix.]
The first occurrence of nephesh is in Genesis 1: 20 , "the moving creature that hath life (nephesh)". 1
So, a breathing, living organism... golly, this Bible stuff isn't that hard is it?
But why ask? Your own list of definitions for nephesh says;
a) that which breathes, the breathing substance or being, soul, the inner being of man
NONE of the meanings of nephesh include a seperate soul. You're not stupid, and realise this, and give me definitions for psyche in an attempt to bolster the belief in a seperate soul being part of a continuous tradition from Moses when of course it isn't.
Where does this leave us?
It leaves us with you saying abortion is murder because you say abortion is murder.You want us to worship and obey your opinion.
Your own Holy Book doesn't agree with you.
Science finds it impossible to draw equivalence between the murder of a even a new born and the abortion of a first trimester fetus.
You want people to follow you. What a stunning example!