Placed an ad today

by seattleniceguy 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • seattleniceguy


    A few days ago someone posted an article in the NY Times, I believe, that talked about fundamentalist Christianity and how its rhetoric about the gruesome destruction of non-believers (as depicted, for example, in the Left Behind series) was eerily similar to the attitudes in extremist Islam.

    Since leaving the Witnesses, I have been angered at their hateful rhetoric, and especially at how they masquerade as a benign, loving religion when they really treat non-believers with contempt when it comes to actual interactions. It's passive-agressive, especially since they claim that it is not them, but God, who will do the destruction. "We just want the best for gay people. We want them to convert so that God doesn't obliterate them like he did the bastards in Sodom and Gomorrah."

    So today while listening to NPR coverage of the 9/11 commission press conference, I decided to borrow a phrase from that commission's chairman, and place an ad with some teeth. It's a back page ad in a weekly newspaper here. It says:

    The Watchtower: A "hate-filled ideology"?Ask JWs about the gruesome fate they see for 6 billion non-JWs close at hand!

    I'm not sure whether the editor will allow this ad, but at any rate I submitted it. Hopefully it'll see press next week!


  • blondie

    Interesting selection, SNG.

    I was going over the WT for this Sunday and found this statement in a side article about the Gilead graduation.

    "For people to be physically saved when the present system of things is destroyed, they must take in accurate knowledge from God's Word, make publication declaration of their faith and get baptized."

    GB member Gerrit Losch was saying that people had to listen to the Gilead graduates who were the real publishers of salvation.


  • gumby

    Nice work SNG!

    Since leaving the Witnesses, I have been angered at their hateful rhetoric, ..............loving religion when they really treat non-believers with contempt when it comes to actual interactions. It's passive-agressive, especially since they claim that it is not them, but God, who will do the destruction. .......... We want them to convert so that God doesn't obliterate them like he did the bastards in Sodom and Gomorrah."

    First of all.....quit stealing my word you bastard!

    Secondly......I relate 100% to what you are saying. Passive agression can be as defaming as an outright....."your gonna burn in hell you sinner!".

    Christians have a catch 22. They want to be kind and leave the judging up to god......yet must also preach what was taught concerning Jesus and how everyone on the planet is dead meat if they don't believe in him. It's no different than the witnesses except for the number of dead god will leave in his path for those who don't believe each groups theology.


  • shotgun

    Should at least catch a few people's attention..did you include any websites or just what you posted?

    Blondie..the quote you use is the one they spout all the time out one side of the mouth and deny it out the other side.

    Gumbiblebiggot...who was that masked man

  • drwtsn32

    Way to go SNG!! Scan and post it here when it gets printed!

  • blondie

    Let me know how it goes, SNG. I have considered doing something similar to start a support group.


  • Mulan

    Which paper? I don't want to miss that!!

    I read that editorial in our local paper earlier this week. I thought it made some really good points. Missed it here, or I would have posted my impressions then.

  • seattleniceguy

    Mulan, it was The Stranger. I thought about posting in the Seattle Weekly, as it seems to have a slightly more mainstream readership, but I figured I'd try it in this one first. I'm still not sure if they'll print it - maybe they'll find it offensive, since I'm naming names. But, for heaven's sake, it's The Stranger! They sure ought to print it.


  • Yizuman

    Anyone have a link to the NY Times article? Is it online?



  • El blanko
    El blanko
    The Watchtower: A "hate-filled ideology"?
    Ask JWs about the gruesome fate they see for 6 billion non-JWs close at hand!

    Just to be the devil's(?) advocate for a moment:

    Mankind: A "hate-filled species"?

    Ask mankind about the gruesome fate they see for future billions, because of rank material selfishness and warmongering.

    We are all dying anyway and if it took all of us to die in order for this earth to prosper and regain it's health - so be it

    Whilst understanding the need for your advert to help vent your own feelings of frustration, what do you think it will actually achieve? Would you like a JW to get his head kicked in by an unreasonable moron who reads your advert and get's all fired up?

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