humble, you said "apostates say cow dung is good." its not cow dung . apostate literature exposes the organization. it gives the reader food for thought ss they can make a more informed decision as to wether this religion is actually the mouthpiece of God. much of the information can be researched as to wether its valid or not. it smells bad to some because they are afraid of it. they may find out that something they believed in so strongly was false. initially it's devastating to find out that the sacrifices were for NOTHING. it was never in Jehovcah's heart. the Guilt for taking away so much from your children simply because one didn't do their homework!!!!! Your wrong Humble (interesting name) it doesnt smell good at first ,it hurts!!! but then the truth does set you free. free to move on with your life. free to worship God and not an organization.....jurs
sister says prayer with elders !!!!!
by jurs 21 Replies latest jw friends
I'll be pulling for you too, hope you you accomplish what you want. I agree with you that being da'd sends a different message then being dfshp to others, do what ever is best in your case. But I whole heartly agree with Farkel its over finished those janitors and window washers need to hear nothing more from you. Don't have any more meetings with them. nojw
Jurs, I loved what you said to humble. Yes, the truth hurts, it doesn't stink!!
I wish you well tomorrow. It sounds like you are determined to do this, but as I said before, it 'smells' to me like they are on a fishing expedition to see if you are guilty of something so they can disfellowship you. Outnfree said something pretty similar, so be careful. I always advise people to ask questions, when a question is asked of you. "why do you ask?" "who said that about me?" "what will you do if I give the 'wrong' answer, in your opinion?" Then just don't answer. You don't have to answer a question, just because they ask it.
My husband told some elders one time, that "you can't legislate private thoughts, and no one has a right to hear my private thoughts, and they will stay private." It worked for us. You can also say this, "Jehovah knows what is in my heart, and you do NOT have the right to that information."
Get a tape recorder.
Jurs, good luck with your visit.
My ex asked me when he found out I was getting married if I would meet with the elders, ostensibly to advise them that I was getting remarried, which would "free him scripturally" (although he had cheated on me long before).
I told him that meeting with the elders would demonstrate that I accept their "position and authority" over me in determining my 'repentance', which I do not (I am not sorry for divorcing that asshole. Likewise, I am not sorry for marrying the best man on earth, my husband).
"I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul."
Jehovah's Witness literature is like cow dung, why does it smell so bad?, why am I recommended not to taste it? I have the right to taste it if I want to, you reason. Mmmmmm, cow dung is so good, Witnesses say. But reality it's only crap.
It sounds like you are determined to meet with these elders.
I am with Farkel on this. I would also advise you not to meet with them.
I agree with Mulan that they are out to try and disfellowship you for something if they can.
I would be willing to bet that they do not give you a chance to tell them anything. You have already said that in the DA letter that you wrote.
I wish you the best and please let us know how the visit went.
Chester -
Dearest jurs,
You go girl!! These are all the RIGHT reasons as far as I can see.
It isn't about just you anymore, is it? I know. I feel the exact same way. It is also a way for me to make amends in an ACTIVE way; words won't heal, actions will. And many kids are at stake. Kudos girl!!By the way, set up your videocamera or audio recorder in a well hidden place.
Sincerely, sKally (research,and lots of it arms you well klass)
This is my first reply post. Just joined this site and read what jurs is going thru. I went thru a simular thing 3 yrs ago. My wife of 30 yrs and my daughter (both pioneers) and me, a former elder was asked to go before the elders on charges of apostatcy. They had warned me prior to this not to speak to anyone of what I learned but I did. I knew exactly what they were going to do so I prepared a long D.A. letter and planned to read it to them. The letter was cleaverly written, full of damning facts about the org. I figured I would get my last licks in before I go. I started to read it and one of the elders stopped me and said "they don't want to here this" I said but you have to read it, it's my letter of d.a. They refused and I got up and left. Jurs, The elders have only one thing on there mind and that is to defend the org. and keep the cong. clean of people who expose the facts. they don't want to hear anything you have to say. I had one of the elders tell me "you can ask your questions to us and will tell you what the org. has to say about it" Lets start defending Gods word and not some man-made org. Within 8 mo. after this event, my wife and daughter was moved out of my house by the "brothers" while I was at work. Havn't seen any of them since. This is the kind of org. were dealing with here. So, I agree with those who recommend not to go to confront them. If you go, simply hand them your letter and leave. I wish I had done this. I was foolish to think anything I said or read to them would change the outcome.
Best to you Jurs
hi roy,
sorry to hear about what happened to you. its too late to stop my meeting because its tonight and i also invited a lady that studies to come. i don't know if she will but i doubt it. i'm getting a little nervous now to tell you the truth. i have nothing to loose (NO FAMILY IN THE ORG) but i'm getting cold feet. part of me wants to puff on a cigarette and have a beer while i go over my DA letter and the other part of me wants to help them. i'm also aware that it will probably do no good and i risk making an ass out of myself , something i just recently did. but its too late now and what the heck, i have nothing too loose and i'd probably regret not doing it.....jurs -
I suggest you give up on trying to help them. The emotional toll that will take, isn't worth it. They won't listen. They can't.