Back in 1992 when I told my Witness brother that I was doing volunteer work with the Ronald McDonald house and answering calls on a crisis hot line, he got very angry and he said: "It's because of people like you trying to keep the world from getting worse that Armageddon hasn't come.". He said the world has to get soooo bad before Jehovah will murder everybody not a Witness and my efforts have kept it from dropping that last notch.
I never realized I had that much power. :-)
In my brother's eyes my doing good in the world was working against his best interests.
Considering the everyone must willingly Join satan before God saves the JWs he is correct. It is the lunacy of this doctrine that allows that mind set to develope. Hmm ever worldy person I know hates Satan so the world must be way too good right now, and that means the paradise is a long way off (angry now).
In reality if the jws are anything close to correct then they are going to be pissed that more people decide to stand with jesus than JWs.