Greetings group
One interesting observation that is of note is the two different positions that the WT religion teaches on the idea
concerning the issue the Witnesses having to identify themselves as being a member of the Watchtower organization for their salvation One the one hand, it is taught that were one to impute salvation toward ?an organization? own would be engaging in a ?modern version of idolatry.? And yet, one the other hand, it is ?essential to their salvation? for a member of the Watchtower religion to ?identify themselves with Jehovah?s organization.? Indeed, two sets of scales is not good, and outright deception and intellectual dishonesty is seen clearly in that the WT teaches of these two different views. How the reader of WT publications could have missed this one in the exact same month is simply amazing. Note the following quotes.
We cannot take part in any modern version of idolatry?be it worshipful gestures toward an image or symbol or the imputing of salvation to a person or an organization. (1 Corinthians 10:14; 1 John 5:21)
And in the next breath?
*** km 11/90 p. 1 Directing Bible Students to Jehovah?s Organization ***
Directing Bible Students to Jehovah?s Organization
1 Bible students need to get acquainted with the organization of the ?one flock? Jesus spoke about at John 10:16. They must appreciate that identifying themselves with Jehovah?s organization is essential to their salvation. (Rev. 7:9, 10, 15) Therefore, we should start directing our Bible students to the organization as soon as a Bible study is established.
I can only hope and pray that the JW?s who are actually really interested in the truth will see such clear contradiction in Witness theology, and see how dangerous it is when the WT organization has set itself up as an idol to be looked at for salvation.
*** Rbi8 Proverbs 20:23 ***
23 Two sorts of weights are something detestable to Jehovah, and a cheating pair of scales is not good.
Two WT views of salvation
by Daniel Michaels 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
Daniel Michaels
little witch
Welcome to the board Daniel.
Thanks for pointing this out, I was just thinking something along those lines today. Proding my thoughts was a new article on Freeminds.Org about "one true churches and what they all have in common.
I also was reminded that the jw's believe profession and baptism is essential for salvation. But that is only the beginning for the members. They are never secure in knowing that they are loved and safe. Never. So sad to think of all those people suffering through life and never seeing the silly fallacy of the watchtower lies.
Good post, and nice to "meet" you.
Daniel M:
You have made an illustration of an excellent example of "Dual Opposing Doctrines". This is the primary stock-in-trade of the propaganda factory known as the WTS. It is the way the WTS (and other Churches for that matter) do their control mechanisms.
I will illustrate this/"make the point" by quoting some posts on this forum.
Two of those are on here and one can be referenced; the first of those two was "access restricted" for certain purposes. But I believe Amazing would confirm it, if asked. The third was a reply to me in a private communication, but I have permission to quote it. I am quoting all three in the following paragrpahs.
You may find an allusion to this in a number of places in the scriptures. I am referring to "a cheating set of scales" or "two sets of books", from the Mosaic Law, among others. I like to call this selection "How WTS works":
Read Am a zing, then und e r c over, in http://www.jehovahs- w
That's a real 1-2 punch for what the WTS does!!!!
When I pointed this out to Hornetsnest, he replied to me how he was DF'd over this stratagem.
"This is the other side of the story among JWs ... and one that Ray Franz noted ... "the Watchtower has a great capacity to teach DUAL OPPOSING DOCTRINES at the same time ... to live by two standards ... and what is said in print is not what is necessarily done in practice."
Having lived a JW for a quarter century, I can attest to what he said as being the case. - Jim Whitney"
" "the Watchtower has a great capacity to teach dual opposing doctrines at the same time ... to live by two standards ... and what is said in print is not what is necessarily done in practice."
In print, as shown in earlier posts, inactive ones are just considered spiritually weak and need love, mercy, kindess and help from the strong. But go to a meeting or an assembly and the tone is different. Inactive ones or any that are falling off spiritually are doomed. Outside of trying to help inactive ones, the strong should be very wary of them.
This is what is hard to explain to someone who's never been a JW. They don't and won't ever understand. You can go to the index and look up what is in print, but if for years in the talks and assembly parts they say something different, that's what stays with you and programs your thinking. That's why so many here rememeber "rules" or "policys" that aren't really there, at least in print. But from the platform or from the CO or the assembly it has been spoken and a good many of people will take that as official policy. I think the WTS knows that too. That's why they harp on meeting attendance so much. If you don't read all the mags, fine, but if you're at all the meetings, that's where the real programming is."
From: Hornetsnest (was LoneWolf)
To: mustang
"They nailed it, all right. That in a nutshell is the reason that I was disfellowshipped 15 years ago. I kept operating on what was written and then defending my actions by that writing. The elders would have a fit and I'd stop them cold with what it said in the publications.
Finally, they concocted charges that were bull shit from beginning to end and DF'ed me on that basis. That's why I've always told them, "If this truly is Jehovah's organization, then I will be exonerated. If it isn't, then who cares?"
Man, they hate that! LOL! "
There you have it. Cheers,
& welcome to the fourm!!!
little witch
Glad to hear from you Mustang, it has been awhile!
What you said is right on IMO... Many times the wt will cover both bases, which in turn makes them right either way you look at it.
It boils down to a lesson in mind control at worse, and intentional bad semantics at least. Many will see this strategy for what it is, and some will see it as "light". It is the latter that the watchtower concerns itself with.
great little find, there, Michael! I appreciate it very much. It shows clearly what dunder-headed twats the WTBTS gb are.