Spiritual Food at the right time?

by aud8 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • aud8

    I have another question. I am a JW who is engaged to marry a catholic. I have had all the talks etc from the elders and I am now 'marked' for the benefit of other young ones in the congregation i.e. to show them that my choices are not condoned by Jehovah's word the bible. In our study article on Sunday it deals with choosing a marriage partner wisely and contains a section on not "marrying in the lord". If the organization is not from Jehovah then how come whenever we have a problem or we are doing something unscriptural it always comes up in study literature, it is as if Jehovah is in fact speaking to us through his earthly organisation. If I was thinking about robbing a bank next week, there would be an article on thieving. How can you explain this?

  • logical

    Revelation 13:14 could be an explanation....

  • larc


    If you are a true believer, why are you engaged to a Catholic? You know better than that. Do you believe or don't you? If you have doubts, you came to the right place. If you believe, then find a good Witness women. You are doing both yourself and your lady friend a disservice by making a life divided for yourselves.

  • ianao


    For the same reason that a penecostal prays for their power to be restored right after a thunderstorm and it just magically happens! Wow! Either it's a blessing from God, or maybe, just maybe, her next door neighbor called the power company as their particular grid was knocked out.

    Have you ever thought that maybe YOU read into generic articles more than is really there? How could one article be written to cover such a wide and diverse audience? It's called generalization. Try reading some religious literature from Ron Rhodes or Jimmy Swaggart. These "highly-annointed" individuals do the very same thing.

    Ohhhh.... That's right!! You can't do that! You can only look at WT approved literature. Gee, I wonder why?

    For every article that you skim through in the WT literature for lack of importance/relevance to you, that same article is the next "food in the proper time" for someone else.

    Is divine guidance the cause? Doubtful, unless God also edits Popular Mechanics or Time Magazine.

  • kes152


    The reason that happens for you, is because when the Father told you by holy spirit, you ignored it. When you were directed to read the scriptures on it, you didn't get the "sense" of it.

    So.. He permitted "men in charge" who are not your spiritual parents, but "hired men" to tell you. PERHAPS you will listen to them.

    Galatians 4:1-3
    John 10:12-14

    Just like how Jehovah can use "wicked governments" to teach his people, so can he use a "wicked organization." God uses whomever he wants to use.

    By your line of reasoning, that means if the governments taught you a valuable lesson about God... you should become actively involved in the governments.

    You might want to take note, bible knowledge is NOT spiritual food. No where in the bible does it say Bible knowledge is spiritual food.

    Spiritual food is just like physical food. Physical food feeds physical BEINGS, spiritual food feeds SPIRITUAL BEINGS.

    you didn't know the angels eat food just like we do?

    Psalms 78:25

    "powerful ones" are the angels ... see your NWT footnote for literal translation.

    Peace to you,

  • kes152


    I was directed to remind you the words of Jesus. He said:

    "I am the bread of life. Anyone that comes to me will not get hungry at all. and he who believes in me will never get thirsty at all."

    Do you believe this?

    Do you believe this SO much that you can leave your "religion" and KNOW you will never hunger nor thirst because Christ himself will feed you, like he did Paul, John, etc. while they were separated and in prison?

    Do you have that much faith in him?

    When Israel was led by Moses and Aaron, Israel knew they would be ok as long as Moses (the Mediator) and Aaron (the High Priest) guided them. Do YOU believe as long as you are under Christ (YOUR Mediator and High Priest) you will be ok? Whenever God had something to say, he spoke to Moses, and Moses told Israel. When God has something to say today, he tells YOUR Mediator, and he comes to tell you, through the holy spirit IN you.

    It is offered to you to recieve the free gift of holy spirit so that by means of that spirit you can be taught "all things" so that you would "need no man to be teaching you" at all.

    If you want this free gift, you may ask him, and he wil give to you according to your faith.


  • expatbrit


    If there was a study article in the WT every time a witness did something unscriptural, each magazine would be the size of the Brittanica.

    In my time as a witness, I heard this many times. But, like all witness myths, there is never any real evidence. In fact, the magazines contain articles on fairly common life situations for a lot of witnesses, and these types of articles recycle pretty frequently, so statistically there will always be some witnesses who are experiencing those situations in real life.

    In your case, you happen to be in this situation when a repetition of the frequent "not marrying out of the lord" warnings comes around. If there was an article on thieving, no doubt several witnesses would be in a situation related to thieving, and consider this Jehovah talking to them. It's simply wishful thinking and myth construction.


    Edited 'cause my typing sux.

  • aud8

    Kes 152:

    You said

    "Just like how Jehovah can use "wicked governments" to teach his people, so can he use a 'wicked organization.' God uses whomever he wants to use"

    So why would God use a "wicked organisation" to tell me to marry only within that organisation??


    By the way I am a woman, and I happened to fall in love with this man, and seeing as I will not be disfellowshipped for marrying him next year, I consider him to be too important to me to lose. Is it impossible for me to have him and my religion??? I don't think so. He knows fully about my religion and is willing to accept me as I am and I in turn am willing to accept him as he is.

  • kes152


    So why would God use a "wicked organisation" to tell me to marry only within that organisation??

    Jehovah used the "organization" to tell you to "marry only in THE LORD."

    It was the "wicked organization" that ADDED to what is in scripture by not saying "marry only in the Lord" but instead "marry only in the ORGANIZATION."

    See how "Lord" was quickly REPLACED with Organization. And you know what happens to those who "add" and "take away."

    This is where YOU the reader, uses DISCERNMENT. Namely ... to only marry in the Lord. ANYONE who belongs to the Lord, in or out of the organization... BELONGS to the Lord.

    Now the fact that the "Lord" was quickly replaced with "organization" is a fullfillment of the Lord's words when he said:

    "All those who have come IN PLACE OF ME are THIEVES AND PLUNDERERS."

    John 10:8

    Peace to you,

  • larc


    Will you be willing to let your children celebrate birhtdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and go to Mass? Your husband as the head of the household should be able to make these decisions, don't you think?

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