resistance / protection of nature / freedom : Check
they look weird but they act right. They don't play game, they act for the world and the futur
even under embargo ... they just feel fine ...
by frenchbabyface 10 Replies latest jw experiences
resistance / protection of nature / freedom : Check
they look weird but they act right. They don't play game, they act for the world and the futur
even under embargo ... they just feel fine ...
Your point is???
Don't be fooled by anyone just for bearing the label of freedom fighter.
what are you talking about Ozzie ? Really ?
I'm trying to find examples where people succed with nothing and lets say almost no hope ... and where money does not lead and gives more than money ...
what does this have to become a personnal matter ?
I mean they don't know pessimisme and that is probably why they succed. Cause at our périod of time even big power can't go to far (as before) without getting a worldwide reaction ... that is when we can react and act ... and make knew choices ... as best as possible.
btt (LOL and not LOL)
Would you like us to invade them too?????
All kidding aside from the little I read it seems like a very sad plight they are in, hard to believe that type of supression and injustice is still occuring in this day and age....just when we think we have come so far, eh? It's a shame the lengths they have to go to in order to try and establish their human rights, things most of us take for granted. I would be interested when I have the time to read more about I'm basically talking off the cuff just from the little I read on that site....but if what I read is true I applaud them taking the initiative to fight for themselves, their families and their heritage.
Well I just saw an Item on TV about them way with way more explanation than that ...
And you know what they are doing fine ... More and more and more everyday. And find new solutions everyday on their own
But I agree with you it is a shame they had/have to go through that : WE COULD HAVE SAY ... STOP (cause actually Australia lost the baby anyway) so ...
WE COULD HAVE SAY ... STOP but how many people knew about that, and how many people would believe that they would succeed in their own primitive way ... I applaude too
French asked: what are you talking about ozzie? Really?
Ozzie wrote:
Don't be fooled by anyone just for bearing the label of freedom fighter.
I think his point was that sometimes thugs, malcontents, and people who just want to have an excuse for perpretrating violence on others cloaks themselves under the label 'revolutionary' or 'freedom fighter' when in reality they are simply brutal terrorists looking for an excuse. Anyway, if it were the French, wouldn't they have already surrendered?
I think his point was that sometimes thugs, malcontents, and people who just want to have an excuse for perpretrating violence on others cloaks themselves under the label 'revolutionary' or 'freedom fighter' when in reality they are simply brutal terrorists looking for an excuse. Anyway, if it were the French, wouldn't they have already surrendered?
err ... The french have been involved in there time and I don't applauded them and wouldn't give a vote to get there.
Now I don't think you understand the meaning of this post ... just as ozzie ... but whatever ... (somehow it talks about double-standard also)