how to the 144,000 get to heaven?

by in a new york bethel minute 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    i have asked this to witnesses and they say it's their spirit, which is their life forces that goes up to heaven... that makes no sense to me. because isn't the spirit, in effect, taking on the properties we normally consider the soul as having? so what's the difference what you call it? either way, something goes somewhere. i haven't actually asked them what happens to a memeber of the great crowd's spirit... but im sure they'll say it "dies"


  • kes152


    The truth is, those in the organization of Jehovah's witnesses who profess to be "of the anointed" are all in spirit, prostitutes. They do not belong to Christ as 'his,' however, he does continue to call to those who are 'asking' and seeking.

    Those who do belong to Christ are taken out of the world and prepared by the Christ to be a chaste virgin in spirit. This calling is not limited to 144,000, but to anyone who wishes to come to him. He will wash their robes and make them white in his blood and he will write his new covenant upon their hearts and he will open their ear so that they can hear his voice. He will personally sanctify them with his own holy spirit and give them a new hope to live in the heavens. All who are asking, seeking, wishing, and knocking may come to him and partake of these things, and he will put his holiness upon them and they will become his "holy ones."

  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    i agree with u kes152. i have come to an appreciation of that through my reading of the new testament. i guess i should have made my post more clear as to what i meant exactly. it was a hypothetical symantical question posed to those jehovah's witnesses who believe that the soul is attached to the body and that no part of us is immortal. how do they justify their stance from a metaphysical standpoint? but thank u for putting forth an effort to help make others' minds over to christ.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Q.: How to the 144,000 get to heaven?

    A.: They can take either the express or the local, which stop on the corner over there at eighteen minutes past each odd numbered hour, alternatively.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    If you a JW you believe that once you are dead their is nothing else but that God has one heck of a memory and remembers how you were. When you are ressurected to heaven or earth God builds a thing like you using information from his memory on how you should be. Not how you used to be, but how God thinks you should be. And since God chooses who goes to heaven the people there are made into incorruptable spirits based on information in Gods memory.

    JWs don't believe in a soul or spirit the person that implied that was probally inarticulate. Once you die you are gone, and if you are ressurected you may not even recognized anything about you. Infact you could say some superior form that is simular to you will be made in the future that may remember some of the things you remember.

    If you live through the 1000 years you will become part of a grandfather axe scanario. Because God will morph you into something else and may destroy your some of your memory if he finds it disturbing to you or others you will slowly cease to exist as you become a perfect man.

  • Corvin
    How do the 144,000 get to heaven?

    I guess nobody really knows. One of those gray areas. Hey GB! How about some NEW LIGHT!

    By the way, how is it again that one knows they are of the 144,000?

  • XQsThaiPoes

    The holy spirit bears witness inside them and they are born again.

    Dont you know anything about christianity?

  • Corvin
    The holy spirit bears witness inside them and they are born again.

    Dont you know anything about christianity?

    Well, since you put it like that, I can say that I am of the 144,000, too. Prove me wrong.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    this is one that got to me before I left JWs... there is a hidden assumption in the mind of most JWs, that despite what the JWs claim to believe, namely that all of them dies and only a memory exists which can be remade into them, they also believe in some thing about them which persists and will make the COPY of them, into THEM.... metaphysically they hide this from themselves and tell you no such thing exists, but pragmatically its there.

    consider the hole in logic... God knows us down to the quantum level, he remembers every bit, he can re-make us after we die...he could also remake us right this second, right next to us...but that would give away the game...since you KNOW that you would NOT be the guy next to you who seems for all others to be you.... so what makes him you later, after you are dead? not a thing... he still is nothing more than a doppleganger, a copy.... but you cannot get people to sacrifice their current lives on the promise that a copy of them will be allowed to populate paradise now can you?

    making this double out of spirit is great trick...after all no one knows what spirit is anyway, simple mind game.

    but God can do anything JWs will say...but that flies in the face of the criticisms they have for all other religions whos non-sensical beliefs are so easily ridiculed.

  • robhic

    Corvin says:

    Well, since you put it like that, I can say that I am of the 144,000, too. Prove me wrong.

    Isn't there something, somewhere that states that if you are annointed that you can drink poison and not be killed/affected by it? Or maybe that was something to do with prophets? In any case, I'd be careful where you push your "annointed" status.

    I've mentioned this same thing (that I was annointed -- and not even a JW!!!) to the lucky ones that show up on my doorstep. Never got much of a response.


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