this is one that got to me before I left JWs... there is a hidden assumption in the mind of most JWs, that despite what the JWs claim to believe, namely that all of them dies and only a memory exists which can be remade into them, they also believe in some thing about them which persists and will make the COPY of them, into THEM.... metaphysically they hide this from themselves and tell you no such thing exists, but pragmatically its there.
consider the hole in logic... God knows us down to the quantum level, he remembers every bit, he can re-make us after we die...he could also remake us right this second, right next to us...but that would give away the game...since you KNOW that you would NOT be the guy next to you who seems for all others to be you.... so what makes him you later, after you are dead? not a thing... he still is nothing more than a doppleganger, a copy.... but you cannot get people to sacrifice their current lives on the promise that a copy of them will be allowed to populate paradise now can you?
making this double out of spirit is great trick...after all no one knows what spirit is anyway, simple mind game.
but God can do anything JWs will say...but that flies in the face of the criticisms they have for all other religions whos non-sensical beliefs are so easily ridiculed.