Can you sell more books for the Lord?
May 1, 1897 Zion WT:
WE hope that each TOWER reader will ask himself this question; and then act according to his answer. Furthermore, we want to assist whoever will accept our assistance.
The past three years of financial depression have greatly hindered what we esteem to be the chief branch of the work--the colporteuring of MILLENNIAL DAWN--and the circulation, instead of increasing yearly, has been decreasing, because many of the colporteurs, unable to make expenses, have been obliged to go into other employment.
It occurs to us that if this fact were realized by the friends of the truth it would lead them each and all to say, "In that event I must step into the breach; I must be that much more active in the service; I must devote that much more time in letting the light shine out upon others." And to such we proffer cooperation as follows:--
(1) We cannot make any concession on tracts, for they are already supplied by the Tract Fund free, in any quantity, post free, to any TOWER reader. Avail yourself of this arrangement. No other tracts were ever offered so cheaply. The poorest, who desires to serve the Lord and his cause thus, has no excuse.
(2) The price of the paper-bound DAWNS, when sold by Colporteurs will hereafter be 25 cents instead 35 cents, which will enable a larger number to purchase.
(3) We will hereafter supply the paper-bound edition of MILLENNIAL DAWN (any language or any assortment) in packages of ten volumes to one address, post paid, for one dollar;--larger orders at the same rate. Five or more volumes, to various addresses, at 15c. per Vol.
Let all who can avail themselves of this offer. If the new postal bill now pending would pass, it would make the postage alone seventy cents on these packs of ten, and would necessitate the cancelling of this offer,--except by freight.
(4) The DAWNS bound in leatherette, embossed (English only), 35 cents per vol., we will supply in packs of six for one dollar, post free; or by freight, at colporteurs' charges, for 12-1/2 cents per volume.
(5) Where a town has been thoroughly canvassed for DAWN we advise a canvass for "Tabernacle Shadows" and "Reply to Robt. Ingersoll," leatherette, embossed, 10 cents, three for 25 cents; or for What Say the Scriptures About Hell? For this purpose we will supply these pamphlets at 50 cents per dozen, assorted as you may please.
Those who use one hour or one afternoon a week may by these terms be enabled to devote two hours or two half-days per week. Those who loan the DAWNS may increase their work. (One sister in Allegheny has eighty copies constantly loaned out--changing them, about every three weeks.)
Let us, dear Brothers and Sisters, by the Lord's help, take a fresh hold of his work. The people never needed the truth more! It is the only thing that will keep them from Infidelity! People never were more ready to receive the truth! They realize that some great changes are at hand, and many want to understand them. "When the judgments of the Lord are abroad in the land, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness [truth--justice]." If we are anxious to serve, the Lord will give us an opportunity. Here it is!
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Colporteurs and others will please preserve the names of Swedes wishing VOL. III., so we can send them notice when it is ready next year.
Do more,,, do more,,, do more for the Lord (translation: sell my books you mind controled slaves).