When people find out I don't own a bible they can barely believe it. My friend thinks I am the only person on the planet who does not own some type of bible. I don't think that is the case. lol
Who here does NOT own a bible?
by unbeliever 17 Replies latest jw friends
I own an old one...just haven't thrown it out yet. In fact, it's going in the trash right now. My NWT bible was thrown out a while ago.
The bible is just b.s.
alien from earth
i've got 3 bibles 1 russian 1spanish 1 german
problem is i can only read english!!! hee hee
maybe thats a good thing
In fact, it's going in the trash right now.
I can't think of a better place for that book.
El blanko
ohhhh how radical we are throwing out Bibles ... - why not drop your old books off at a charity shop instead and put them to some use. I would think that most people unbeliever do not give a flying toss whether you own a Bible or not. Do you make a habit of taking Bible-owning surveys or something?
I do own a few bibles. My favorite is a big old bible published in 1837, it is the oldest thing I own (older than my piano -made 1848, and my house - built 1898). I also have a few dubbie bibles.
i've got 3 bibles 1 russian 1spanish 1 german
problem is i can only read english!!! hee hee
LOL, but you fail to add that the spanish bible is mine!
I don't own "A" bible...I own 13 different translations of the bible.
I love all books, especially antiquarian ones, and would no more throw them out then thrown out my children....so I have all my old bibles-some from childhood Catholicism and methodist(ism ? )and the NWT for reference.I like to keep them although im no longer ' Christian' as they're part of my past and hold memories.
My favourite is a large family bible from the 1800's with the births marriages and deaths of my family in it.There are passages underlined and pages folded which is the reason I love old books and a link to the past.
Black Sheep
I can see seven from where I am sitting + an Oxford University "Bible Illustrations" 1900 and a book about Babylon that Jehovah's Terrorist (my Dad) was going to throw out (Just had a quick check and it says Good old King Nebulizer destroyed Jerrie's Asylum in 587.
Actually, if you own a computer and are on the internet, you are never far from a Bible translation online:
There are at least 18 here and you can look at a scripture simultaneously in all of them. Of course, not every translation is online, e.g., the Jerusalem Bible, an excellent one.