My bible study conductor deceived me with this point.

by cyber-sista 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyber-sista

    This is something that has always bothered me and now I can see what a deception it was. A JW woman studied with me on and off for about 3 years before I got baptized. Eventually I got baptized at a weaker moment in my life (suffering from major post partum depression) You don't want your child to die at the big A do you?-- was one line of thinking that was used on me.

    The deception was this: During the time I was studying she never told me the truth about the whole unbelieving mate situation, though I specifically asked what would happen to my mate if the big A came and he never became a Joe Witness--? When I did ask I was told that marriage was sanctified through the believer and that the children of the marriage were holy too. There is a scripture that states this, but she never told me the real truth of the matter I found this out later--I feel like I was deceived into believing differently just so they could get me into the baptismal pool. . Having a bible study who got to the point of baptism was major brownie points in that congo. I may have thought twice about the whole deal if they would've told me their attitude towards those on the outside. I had "worldly" friends and they never told me I would have to drop those when I became a JW either. They never told me that the religion really taught that everyone who I have ever loved in my life would be slaughtered by God in the end They hid a lot of things from me or covered them over and I found out later it was too late (or so I was lead to believe--you have to live up to your dedication, right?).

    Anyone have an experience like this where things of this sort were hidden from you?

  • blondie
    When I did ask I was told that marriage was sanctified through the believer and that the children of the marriage were holy too.

    That was an old teaching, cybersista. She might have been one of those who refused to see the "new light." I will try and find it for you. But they are deceptive. I can remember being told not to talk about blood transfusions with my students.


  • itsallgoodnow

    I was raised in it, so I knew all taboos before I knew about the lies they tell to the public. Their deceptiveness gives them away. It's a con, all the way.

  • RunningMan

    The way I understand it, if children are too young to make their own decision, then they are considered sanctified on the basis of one of the parents. However, as soon as they are old enough to understand, then they must begin taking a stand for the organization. This could be at a very young age. Once they reach an age where they are reasonably showing their inclination - either for or against - they are judged on their own merits.

    As for the spouse, he's toast.

    And, yes, this is one of the areas that they soft peddle until after you have irrevocably committed. Nifty, isn't it?

  • DireStraitJacket

    I was raised in the troof as well, except I didn't get baptised. I kept thinking that there was plenty in life that I wanted to experience that would probably get me disfellowshipped, and I didn't want to be walking around with a guilty conscience. I didn't even understand most of the prophecies, I wasn't going to dedicate my life to jehovah if I was unsure of things despite other people wanting me to. The thing that got to me was that some people who were my age and had similar circumstances to me were getting baptised, from what I saw they didn't know to much "theory" either, and they were doing to stuff that could have gotten them disfellowshipped, but it didn't seem to worry them or anyone else. This got me to thinking how many people get baptised without knowing half the laws and not really caring about half of what they do know.. and how this was allowed by the elders. It doesn't make sense for gods true organisation to have this type of crap going on.

  • cyber-sista
    That was an old teaching, cybersista. She might have been one of those who refused to see the "new light." I will try and find it for you. But they are deceptive. I can remember being told not to talk about blood transfusions with my students.


    This was back in the early 1980s and she was a younger sister in her mid 20s. Later on it was explained to me that yes, the marriage was sanctified while my hubby was alive (so I was not living in sin), but once the big A came along we all stood before God on our own.

    A couple of years ago my daughter was told by the elders that if she married an unbeliever (though she was not a witness herself, but guilty by my association with them through me) that it would be a "sin" for her to marry--is this the "new light" now?

    I remember being told not to "flounder" those newly interested ones with too much spiritual food (information) because they aren't ready yet to take in the "meat "and we need to feed them milk at first or they could get "spiritual indigestion". In other words--don't tell them the whole story at once because it might make them sick to hear about what the religion really teaches.

  • Gerard

    ((((( ))))))

    They did not hide the "truth" because all that exclusiveness is not the truth. They told you lies.



  • Sunspot

    ** Having a bible study who got to the point of baptism was major brownie points in that congo.


    THAT was worthy of brownie points in EVERY congregation! LOL!

    I was in a debate last week with a JW about birthdays. Somehow the conversation got around to telling bible studies about them, and I asked how this woman told them about the restrictions on them. She said that she wouldn't bring it up unless the study did. I was shocked---and asked didn't she think it was important to mention before baptism???? (Just in case they never found out before then?)

    I was appalled at her attitude about this and I thought it was totally sneaky and underhanded not to bring it up (as a study conductor) and sais as much. When I was studying back in early '70-'72=the "Truth" book (something like "holidays that displease God" or something similar), covered the subject during the study, but I guess they don't believe in doing that now.

    Whatta crock!!!!


  • ozziepost

    G'day sista,

    Don't overlook the fact that even the WTS doesn't call them "bible study conductors". They are "book study conductors", appointed to teach the Borg's line of reasoning.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • garybuss

    It is all deception and manipulation from the first knock on your door to the judicial committee that orders you shunned. No love, no honesty, no justice, no disclosure, no ethics, no good, no more:-)

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