I certianly have had dealings with car dealers. The number one car dealer was my brother in law elder. And I worked for him. What a lousy person he was. I had access to files and I see how much he bought a car for and they see how much he sold it for. Some times he never even repaired then properly. He would have the guy who certified his cars to do the least amount of work on them to get certified. I know of a brother who bought a car from him for his teenage daughter and apparently somethings started going wrong and this bro. would call the office and ask to talk to my brother in law JOHN and he always avoided taking calls. He and the brother argued as the brother paid a huge price for the car. But as far as my brother in law was concerned the problem was not his fault. He felt that perhaps the teenager was rough wtih the car, you know all that crap.
He was terrible towards most people but also to witnesses who trusted him and like this bro. who bought that car for his daughter. was treated in an unproffessional manner. He John, was no business man what so ever. I would have to smooth things over with the brothers who dealt with him as he was so uncaring once the cars left his lot. One sister bought a 4 by 4 big SU V and she had it a short while and apparently she was driving it and the tranny went on it. He refused to repair the SUV as it was now hers. She did take out a warranty. But still because the work was 2700.00 to repair John told her he had no intentions on honouring the warranty. He made this sister feel like two cents. As she was recovering from an accident and John has no feelings for people. Especially sisters who do things that displease Jehovah as he states it. What a complete idiot. This sister was new in the truth and I am sure she felt stumbled by him. She had no money left and was stressed and was feeling low and he didn't give a damn about her. She had to borrow the money to get the SUV repaired.
He is an overbearing man who thinks his voice will make you shutter. Some days the telephone would ring and ring with complaints that he said he'd fix but wouldn't get back to them until they were exasperated and started taking it out on me and I told him he was no responsible to the people who bought cars from him. He has this superior attitude. He judges everyone and how he ever became an elder was beyond me. I am sure it was fixed. Because he could flaunt his wealth and so people would be inferior to him. I made the worst mistake possible with him. He knew I had little money as my ex was on a pension and our home was being forclosed. Anyway I had a car but it broke down and it would have cost me thousands to repair. Anyway I asked him if he had something cheap for me to get back and forth to the meetings and hospital visits . He knew I owned a camper trailer I had just bought. I had only used it the previous summer. It was used, but in excellent condition and very clean. I asked him if I could put it in his drive way or car lot off to the side and he said no way as he needed the drive way for the cars who came for the book study and service . So no way. I was stuck and then a nice sister offered me to put the camper on her property as she lived on many acres. So we took it to her place. It was a few days later that i had found out I couldn't repair the car. So he says to me, I will give you that car over there for your camper. He had me over a barrell. I had no credit cards or collateral to get a loan for a car. So I told him okay, I really didn't exam the car that much but it was older and he said it ran good. I will give you the car for the camper. I was heartbroken but couldn't do anything about it.
So he picks up the camper at this sisters home, and he takes it to his house and parks it in his driveway, the very driveway he told me no way to parking my camper there. I was so friggin mad.
I had the car for a year and it broke down and it was not worth the fixing as it was too old and the repairs were quite alot.
Did my brother in law, my sisters husband give a damn NO WAY, he treated me the same way he treated everyone else.
Now for something a little interesting. The WTS in CAnada buys their cars through my brother in law, but he insists he sells them for what he paid for them and at times takes a losss. Talk about sucking up to the bethel, he is some piece of work.
Well now that I have vented, I will sign off. Yes I hate car dealers. I do private now.
Love Orangefatcat