This really remindes me of North Korean Political Party. Basically they only have one. Every time they have an election, they say it is "true and fair." But no one dare to vote against the party. Why? Because they know what the punishment from the party is going to be like.
Now Up to the Witness To Vote Or Not? What Next?
by Sweetp0985 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Do you think they'll go dig up all the dead witnesses in malawi who died because they wouldn't by a stupid party card for a quarter (not even vote just buy the dang card) and say "sorry we changed our f$#^ing minds again!
YET ANOTHER THING that pisses me off about the WTS:
You are expected to gladly, PROUDLY die AT ANY MOMENT for the most MINISCULE POINTS of difference...points that could, themselves, be OVERTURNED without so much as an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT of any error or regret on the part of the ARROGANT MORONS who put it in in the first place.
Yes Witnesses are free to vote and then they will be DFd very soon after that -- words fail me