Can you see yourself here 5 years from now?
How Long Do You Think That You Will Frequent These Boards??
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
but this one will require an oath of loyalty to the EU by then, anyway.
Sure I can, although the degree of my participation may vary from time to time. That's the neat thing about being an "service goals" to meet, or "national average" to worry about. If I feel like posting, I do, and if not, well, I'm not going to be bored with all the other stuff I have to get done. But I don't see myself completely abandoning this community any time soon.
I hope i am still here ,i have found so many friends, i mean caring friends. They laugh with me cry with me and pick me up when things are bad. I hope in five years i have not worn out my welcome cause i love it here.
Can you see yourself here 5 years from now?
God, please no !!
Simon your a poop.
Simon, would you ever sell the board if you got out?.....Or was that "god, please. No!" addressed to moi?
I had hoped to not have been around this long. No offense to anyone, this is a great place for information and for sharing experiences so that we can heal, but I hope to be in a place sometime where I don't ever think about JWs or the WTS on a daily or weekly basis. Unfortunately, due to most of my family being JWs, I may never get to that stage. But, if not, I still want to be able to go on with life and just be me, not the JW or the inactive JW or the weak JW or even the ex-JW, just plain ole, regular, everyday me.
I think I will be here for quiet some time. I agree with Neon, that at times my participation will vary because of a busy life, or other circumstances.
For so many of us being in the borg for so many years, most of us our entire lifetimes so far, we have many years of recovery ahead of us.
The good thing that is with each year, we heal, we grown , we do move on with our lives. I don't think that I will ever move on to the point of never WANTING to frequent these boards. I just can't see that one day I will not need these boards. I will always feel a connection to the many friends I have made here that also feel the need to continue in their recovery as I do. Then there are the new ones who were once like me, lost in a big new world, scared to death at what the future holds when they begin to question the JW's and what to do with their lives.
Yes. I will be here, but I'll be changing my slave name soon to "Glen James", "Jack Russelite" or something that fits. I no longer have any anger, even at myself for wasting 18 years of my adult life. I am at that point where I enjoy the company of xjws and I don't see any reason to change. To me the forum is a club for veterans of peculiar wars. Glen