Yep, I knew a dude about 15 years ago who pulled the same thing. He was a "regular pioneer" who moved in with an old fella to help him out. When the old dude left lo and behold he had left everything to this guy. And the guy didn't touch a thing in the house, in fact it was so bad the house was demolished.
New JW Scam?? Here in Australia...
by TheApostleAK 19 Replies latest jw friends
johnny cip
xq's ; please stop making excuses , that the wt uses laws to thier favor. i thought they were god's gov't . you just don't pull that kind of crap. and call your self a christian . i see right through it. any one that goes after $$$$$$$$$ in these areas, is not even respectable, forget about being godly. i don't care what you say. john
What are you talking about? The watchtower is a piece of paper in brooklyn. These scams are made by people that decide to exploit the legal system. I have never heard of a DO or CO involved in on of these situations how can you point fingers at the watchtower. It is always a third party who is not always JW.
You are making it seem like the watchtower has a taskforce hunting down wealthy old JWs so they can insert a infiltraitor to encumber assets for donation.
johnny cip
xq's you need to read your wt publications closer. try starting with the nov dec 2003 wt's and work your way back. it's all about giving your estate, realestate, jewerly, stocks, bonds, pensions, bank accounts etc. to the wt. the wt has been doing this for decades, ever been to a wt convention? every other line is $$$$$$$$$$$$$ . your not talking to a wt zombie here. i heard it as a kid 9 yr old kid 35 years ago. only difference is the craptower is getting more brazen in the last 15 years with the donation arangement.. BEGGING FOR $$$$$$$$$$$ READ THE KINGDOM MINISTERIES. in the last few years . and the new 3 boxes at the hall. it's all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$. how the wt kissed up to hitler to keep thier real estate in germany 1933-37 the lies they told the mexican gov't till 1990's to own land. the legal games they play in the courts of france, italy etc to make beleive they are a charity.. your waisting my time with your shallow knowledge of the wt corp. shannagians .your right a corp. is only a piece of paper but the peice of papar . dictates how that corp. is run. under any laws the gov't will let them get away with and the wt is no fool they have 100'[s of lawyers to make sure that , they find every loop hole. . the wt works in the confines of what every worldly gov't they find themselves in and if they don't get their way , they cry bloody murder to the united nations. now wake up and take your head out of the sand. it's all about $$$$$$$$$$. they could care less about some jw that gets 20 years in prison for thier tacticts. john
Your point after all this... They are evil because they ask for donations... Wow...
A non profit organization does not have to be a traditional charity they can be but does not have to be.
there is a difference between asking for donations (no matter how annoying its worded) and scamming someone.
All of this "the borg is evil" talk is really funny. You guys are like the ANGRY XJW CULT
In my experience over the last 45 years and the report of other JWs, this is NOT a big problem. Of course, if you were the one ripped off or a loved one, it is a big problem. Now there was the case of the JW in Florida that tricked older JWs into letting him invest their money and took them for a ride and ended up in prison and the 2 elders in Montana that through their investment business, ripped off an older sister and ended up in prison.
I need new glasses or proofread better. No, I don't think this happens often, but when it does, it reverberates. People remember for years. My experience is that people are more perturbed when a family member decides to leave their assets to the WTS rather than their family. I have worked with non-JW older people who have decided to leave their money to a charity which has p**sed the family off too. As to JWs being manipulated by other JWs, I'm sure it has happened. Do I think it is a congregational pattern or something the WTS encourages secretly, NO. I can remember a woman who started studying and attending meetings, got baptized, started pioneering. She determined who was the mark in the congregation, married him, he quickly died from the shock of finding out he had been tricked (he was old...too). She stopped attending meetings instantly, sold off his considerable assets, and moved to another state. She had never intended to be a JW but used the congregation as her hunting field.
Back around 1959 I received training at the Toronto Bethel for circuit "servant" work. In this training I received a pamphlet outlining the procedure for people to make out their wills to the Society. The instructions were to not make the information public, but if any one enquired about this the CO would have a ready source of instructions to guide him.
I also know of a case where a JW farmer encouraged one of his elderly neighbours who was a person of "good will" to leave his money and farm to the WT. The man's family wife and family were left destitute. I court case ensued. I can get the details of this from daughter of the JW the next time I am in contact with her.
Also another case that I can get details is where an eighty year old man owned a house across from the kingdom hall. The PO from that hall was a former CO from Quebec. (Years before when I was pioneering, he ripped me off by selling me, through another brother, a defective car that had been donated to him. Even after the car went to the scrap yard I had to come up with the full price). HIs wife and him visited the elderly man and persuaded him to leave his house to the WT, but the deal fell through when an ex-jay dub a former member of that congregation whispered a few facts in the man's ear. They wanted the house as a place where visiting COs would have quarters near the Kingdom Hall.
One last point I would like to question here: Has anyone else on this board noticed that when a subject of WT financing comes up there is a poster or two that shows up and starts spin doctoring. Would anyone else on here have time to verify this, must have "two witnesses" you know to any skull buggery.
In the congregation I grew up in, there was an elderly lady who was sometimes coming to the meetings and sort of having an on-and-off bible study. She was Italian and struggled a bit with English, and also she had dementia. She usually didn't know what day it was or who she was talking to, often confusing members of the congregation with her non-JW family. I heard talk afterwards that she had been taken advantage of by the congregation -- she would give someone money and they would put it in the box on top of donations she had already made, plus she took a lode of money out of the bank and gave it to the kh.
I remember her giving me money as a present when I was a kid, she said it was for me and my mother told me that she really meant it was for the kh but had given it to me because she got confused.
I heard of this happening in other congs in Adelaide as well.