see for more comments
2:15 Avoid Any Cause for Stumbling Have you been stumbled because of the adjustment of the ?generation?? Keep hope real with meetings, study and service. Demo: JW couple recently moved to new KH. New congregation more strict with alcohol, grooming. Couple decides not to serve or drink alcohol during gatherings at their house and to move their wine rack from the dining room to the bedroom. (Is this a double-life??) Though trials may cause depression, do not become bitter.
2:35 Keep Your Senses Completely Internet dating sites a danger to JWs. May claim to be JW but actually not. Meet in groups. Internet deprives one of personal meeting. Avoid using internet dating sites or personal ads (the audience laughed at that one). Avoid kinesiology, aura healings. Isa 1:13 ?uncanny power? = anything eerie, weird, or mysterious. Warning on business ventures, get-rich-quick schemes, borrowing money from fellow JWs.
2:55 Wholesome Activities That Refresh We can?t depend on worldly rating system for movies, even children?s movies. Fruitage of world not good. Some say it?s the only entertainment available. Likened to hamburger with ecoli. Go without temporarily. Like computer program with virus. Load Satan?s program into mind will shut down our conscience. JWs encouraged to get together and sing or do skits for entertainment. JWs need to learn how to entertain themselves. Start conversation like Franz: ?How did you come into the Truth?? Governing Body not trying to cramp your fun. Recreation can also be productive work like building KHs and ministry.
3:25 Jehovah is Our Shepherd Review of Psalms 23
3:55 Buying Out the Opportune Time Set priorities, don?t let the wicked times weigh us down. Series of experiences showing JWs making time for family study, learning foreign language, bethel service.
4:15 Walking in the Path of Increasing Light No new light here just a review of changes. Organizational refinement: 1919 field service, 1922 ?Advertise, advertise, advertise? 1928 door-to-door ministry 1931 JW name, 1938 elders appointed (vs voted), 1942 disfellowshipping 1972 body of elders (vs 1 elder) 1976 writing committee, 1992 other sheep join writing comm. Doctrinal understanding: 1925 2 orgs Jah vs Satan, 1927-9 no xmas and birthdays, 1935 great crowd and no flag salute, 1936 stake (vs cross) 1945 no blood, 1950 greek scriptures NWT, 1955 complete NWT, 1962 superior authorities, 1973 no smoking, 1983 firearms, 1985 def of ?declared righteous?, 1987 def of ?jubilee?, 1995 sheep & goats after tribulation, 1999 def of ?disgusting thing?, 2002 def of ?worship in spirit and truth?. 2 Pet 1:19 ?lamp shining in a dark place?: dark place could be our hearts. If we do not apply ?sayings of life? we will get lost like the rest of the world.
4:35 Keep on the Watch-The Hour of Judgment has Arrived This is the release of the Keep on the Watch Brochure. Enough copies were made available for each publisher and 2 bible students/interested (although more were provided if you asked). The brochure is designed for newly interested ones, those who know about JW but ?do not feel the urgency?, and JWs themselves. There will be a future campaign featuring this brochure.