Twisted Childhood
by new light 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
i think it's sad, but hilarious too, because i was one of those kids and i remember it so well!
i think it's sad, but hilarious too, because i was one of those kids and i remember it so well!
ME TOO . . . omg, right down to the vest, tie and shiney lil shoes. Cute kid tho.
Poor kid, he has no concept of the religion he's involved in or the twisted message they spout. He just wants to copy his daddy, like any normal boy.
In about 15 years he'll likely be a new member of JWD, talking about his wasted years and how he missed normal things like birthdays and holidays.
I have a pic of Ant like that
I think that is a cute picture thou. I do understand totally that you see it and see pain, I do that with pictures of myself, especially ones where I am dressed for the meetings. I remember sometimes exactly the day the picture was taken, of how I had my ass beat off for some minor little wrongdoing at those meetings,, too many times to even would be easier to count how many meetings I went to that after I DIDNT get a whipping.
Honestly , when I saw that picture it reminded me of when my oldest son was a boy,just like in your picture. I have to say that even thou we were in a terrible religion, I have many happy times ( and so does he ) of those young years. We tried to be happy, we always tried to have fun even in field service. I am glad to say that even thou my son wishes we would have all gotten out of JW soon, ( never to be one would have been better) , he is thankful that he was not beat or molested as so many little JW kids are. He looks back on his JW days a little sad, wasted time and wasted Xmas, birthdays etc. but he knows we loved him and tried to do what we thought was right. I am thankful that he is level headed to understand that his Dad and me were so young and raised that way , knew no better and that we tried to let him have as much freedom , friends and fun as much as we could get away with being JW's. I am thankful he doesnt hold a grudge or hates me for all those wasted years.
I agree what a cute little munchkin! I have tons of pics of my kids just like that one right down to the little tie and the matching socks to go with the outfit.
Recently while thumbing through some family pics I ran across a picture of my first grand daughter at her first assembly her dad was holding her up while I snapped the picture. What struck me now was the look on her dad's I see it as stress the stress assemblies bring to parents. I could see it in his face and why I didn't see it then is because it was so familiar to me having lived that life so long and after isn't that how things were supposed to be? Packing up the munchkins, trotting off to the assembly, sitting through the boring talks and doing all you could do to keep the little ones quiet.....gawd I get stressed just thinking about it. How happy I am now that he didn't want the WTS for his children. They are living a great life full of all the things "normal" kids get to experience outside the B'org and that makes me happy. No more little WTS drones for this family!
but he knows we loved him and tried to do what we thought was right. I am thankful that he is level headed to understand that his Dad and me were so young and raised that way , knew no better and that we tried to let him have as much freedom , friends and fun as much as we could get away with being JW's. I am thankful he doesnt hold a grudge or hates me for all those wasted years.
Sounds like the conversation I had with my daughters this past month. They know we did what we thought at the time was best and in many way are glad that we had some fun family times together which is basically what made them the great people they are today. They both expressed how glad that they are free from that religion now and able to move on with their lives taking the good things they were taught and making a better life for their children.
Good thread, twisted or not we do the best we can with what we know at the time. I'm always happy when I see young ones leaving the B'org and getting out while they are young we can only hope this little guy finds his way out soon.
LOL @ sphere:
You said it Kate! That was so stressfull for kids and parents alike.
I'm not kidding you while typing/thinking that I got a big knot in my stomach........speaking of big stomachs, errrr...... I mean how is the little bun coming along? Should be poppin out that little bambina (no baby emocon) soon eh? I've been thinking of you, can't wait to hear the good news! And I don't mean WTS speak, lol
What a darling little kid!
My three boys were 14 months apart and I remember the outfits with ties, vests and matching socks too! They even had their own little bookbags, kind of like a grocery sack but pleather with handles at the top and a pouch for the tracts on the side.
What strange and very mixed feelings I had when I first saw that picture!
It is very sad.
This little boy reminds me of me (although I am a girl).
Twisted childhood indeed