Poem of an Iraqi poet

by Lewis 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lewis

    What a great response, HS. There is definitely a strong vein of poet running through you. (And diplomat too.) Did you read much secular poetry when you were a Witness? Have you been published?

    Best, Lewis

  • lawrence

    Powerful piece of work! Thanks for sharing it.

  • RevMalk

    I found it to be wonderfully written and extremely powerful as well.

    I also gave a chuckle in realizing that had an American soldier written this and Sheila posted it, there'd be more blood spilled here than in any Iraqi desert.


  • SixofNine
  • bisous
    Did they happen to write one about the mass murders and mass graves under his regime? Now, that too would be a powerful poem as is this one.

    I can't tell if this comment is a real question or a statement of sarcasm. If it is the latter, I failed to see where the poet is lauding Saddam Hussein. Sorry if I am misinterpreting your post. I found the piece haunting and well written.

  • patio34


    Your posts should be offered as a tutorial example for all of us! They're masterful and thanks for your mature observations.


  • patio34

    Oh, Lewis, I think that's a very deeply moving poem that brings home the horrors of all wars. Thanks for posting it.


  • Angharad

    Lewis -

    I was the one that deleted your last reply but since you cannot take the hint:

    Differing opinions are allowed here, I assume?

    Differing opinions yes, attacks NO. Your last thread was deleted not because of the content of the poem, but due to your personal attacks against people and the fact that the thread was turning into a pissing contest.

    SheilaM to spout her foul language with impunity

    No the guidelines apply to Sheila as well.

    A moderator (doesnt matter who it was) came into a thread and saw two people going at each other and decided to pull the thread - end of story.

    Now I suggest this thread gets back on track so that it can continue.

  • Simon

    The other topic is here: A poem of a soldier's mother

    If anyone thinks that by kicking up a fuss and thrownig insults around that they will get someone's topic deleted then they canm think again.

    ShielaM: I find the comments you made offensive and hypocritical and they have been deleted.

    Lewis: Your offensive replies to the insults have also been removed. Please PM a moderator if you are unhappy with something.

  • Simon


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