Doesn't mean he wasn't a nice guy, but he was still a charlatan.
Absolutely. I wonder whether he was simply deluded concerning the chronology?
by Justin 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
Doesn't mean he wasn't a nice guy, but he was still a charlatan.
Absolutely. I wonder whether he was simply deluded concerning the chronology?
Here is a fuller quote from the Edgar brothers:
You may have noted that, in his early editions of Vol. III of ?Studies in the Scriptures," in the Pyramid chapter, Brother Russell states that the length of the Descending Passage, from the junction of the Ascending Passage down to the Subterranean Chamber, is 3416 inches. But in all later editions of his third volume, since 1905, the length of this passage has been altered to the extent of 41 inches, the length now being said to be 3457 inches. Formerly the north wall of the Subterranean Chamber was said to mark the date 1874 A.D., but with the new measure of 3457 inches this date was shifted forward 41 years to 1915 A.D. No explanation is given for this change.
(See, however, the short article, ?The Great Pyramid Measurements," on page 326 of 1st Nov., 1904, ?Watch Tower.") We measured this passage in 1909, having first removed from it all obstructing debris, we found that neither the earlier published length of 3416 inches, nor the later published length of 3457 inches, was correct. The true length was found to be more nearly 3385 ?Pyramid" inches. (The exact length if 3384.904 ?Pyramid" inches.) As will be seen, this is 31 inches less than the first of Brother Russell?s figures, and 72 inches less than his later one.
We, of course, immediately communicated with Brother Russell the true length of the Descending Passage. At first sight it appeared as if we would require to abandon the time-measurements of this lower part of the Pyramid?s passage system, the true length being so different from what we had previously understood it to be. Yet, strange to say, instead of abandoning the time-measurements, we found that the true length of the passage established these time-measurements all the more thoroughly. Both dates, 1874 and 1914, are now seen to be indicated by the end of this Descending Passage. This indication is very exact and convincing, and goes far to establish our faith in the Great Pyramid as indeed a building of God. Emphasis my own.
Some more evidence of Russel having deliberatly altered the (already faked by Smyth) measurments to fit his chronnology. :: an eye on the jehovah's witnesses
The top Man in charge of Antiquarities in Egypt calls them`pyramidiots'