Urban Myth?!

by Tesha 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tesha

    Howdee all!

    I have only recently been DF'd, so I struggle with what I believe regarding god and the bible. As you all would know, it’s a long process reprogramming our minds from all the lies and shit we were taught by the organisation. The fear of Armageddon was shoved down my throat every time I “sinned” or decided to stay home from field service on a Saturday morning. I don’t want to give them the satisfaction of still having control over my thoughts, so I guess I am wondering what other people beliefs are about Armageddon.

    Thanks in advance for your comments


  • WildHorses

    Hi Tesha,

    I really do not think that God would destroy a person for not knocking on peoples doors. We show our works by our faith.

    Anyone who tells you that you are not good enough to survive Armageddon, only because you miss a few meeting or a few field services, is judging you, and the Bible says if we judge someone that we are judging ourself.

    As long as we put faith in God and Jesus Christ and believe that he was sent forth to die for our sins, we will be saved. So don't let anyone tell you different.

    We do not need to belong to a religion that is man made. They will all be brought to an end.

    Being a Christian is something personal between God and the individual. We do not need that any man teach us. 1st Jonh 2:27


  • wasasister

    Hi, Tesha. I'm glad you posted and thank you for your invitation to respond.

    The idea that a horrible death awaits any who aren't doing everything they can is ingrained in every Witness from the very start - whether as a Bible student, or a JW child. Fear of death is a powerful motivator...ask anybody who's quit smoking after the first heart attack.

    For me, I think when I originally quit going to meetings, I still believed Armageddon would come and I would die. This meant not only would I cease to live, but that my mother would be resurrected and learn I had not been worthy enough to be with her. That second thing was the worst of all. I stopped going to meetings because I knew I'd rather be dead than stay married, so I might as well buy it at the Big Bang.

    Underneath it all, however, I had some strong doubts about the teachings. Little, troubling inconsistencies which began to pile up and become not so little.

    Liken the situation to a scientist, working in Communist Russia, who comes up with a theory which contradicts the writings of previous well-known Russian scientists. Of course, his colleagues convince him he's wrong, stupid, or even dangerous. They may turn him in to authorities who threaten to put him in a mental ward. Eventually, the scientist may come to believe he really is insane and his brilliant theory is just nonsense. Later, that scientist escapes to the West, where he meets others in his field. He finds his theory not only has merit, but others have been working along the same lines. He joins in sharing his work and before long, all reach a broader understanding of his particular field.

    A very similar thing happened to me when I discovered forums such as this. I suddenly came to understand I was NOT crazy, stupid, or dangerous. The doubts I had were valid, and shared by many others. With a giant sigh of relief, I began - slowly at first - to realize I might die of natural causes, rather than become food for Vultures.

    Perhaps I initially left for selfish, rather than noble reasons. But once out, I understood why I never felt entirely in sinc...no matter how hard I tried.

    Again, welcome to the board. Hope you stick around.
    Was/who really should learn to spell-check before submitting

  • bajarama

    I believe armageddon is a threat used to envoke your deepest fears. It is used with the same froce as hellfire by other churches. Why would God have to threaten you in such a way. I believe most religions use these threats like a hook in a closing sales pitch.


  • TR

    Hi Tesha.

    scare people into doing god's will. What a loving provision from the faithful slave.[8>] What's more,they get family to do it to family. How sad.


    "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every
    form of tyranny over the mind of man." --Thomas Jefferson*

  • messenger

    lochness monster
    flying saucers
    pigs flying
    fish farts

    all are about as real as the other..........

  • Scorpion

    I have seen a fish fart. It did not smell!

    I have seen a pig fly, right after the farmer picked the bugger up and threw it for knocking him down.

    Saucers fly, my ex threw a few at me.

    I have a big foot, size 12.

    Lohness Monster? Never seen that one!

    Hellfire, wasn't that the name of a motorcycle gang? No, that was Hells Angels.

    Armageddon, just hope your right messenger!

  • ozziepost

    G'day Tesha, our ozzie friend,

    When I was a Borg loyalist I had a niggling doubt/question over Revelation 16:16 whenever I referred to it at a Bible Study or in a talk. Armageddon is held to be God's War to take place "shortly" bringing this wicked system of things to an end. Wouldn't you think that it would be mentioned more than once in the Bible? Yet it is and there is not too much description either.

    For an event mentioned just once, it holds a lot of influence over the R&F JDubs. Very much like the threat of hell-fire is/was used by the Roman Catholic Church. You know how it goes: "How would you stand with Jehovah, if Armageddon came today?" How many times did we hear that from the platform? Or for that matter, how many times might you have said those words yourself?

    I can readily agree that it is a description of the final overthrow of evil by God. But I find it more persuasive to think of it as a symbol and this fits in with the reast of the Revelation's imagery.

    I have found the following passage from a Commentary helpful:

    "Armageddon, therefore, is the end. When 'the great day of God the Almighty' comes, the powers of this world will find themselves suddenly confronted by their rejected Lord, coming as unexpectedly as the quotation of his words comes into this chapter at verse 15. That battle will be the last: the torment of the fifth Bowl followed by the destruction of the sixth, as darkness in Egypt was followed by death, on the night of the first Passover.

    But though it is to the last day that Bowl 6 chiefly refers, we ought not to forget that whenever destruction comes upon the impenitent sinner, that is for him the 'last day', the end of his world, and the final confrontation with Christ, who comes at all times like a thief, when men least expect him." ("The Message of Revelation" by Michael Wilcock, published by Inter-Varsity Press (The Bible Speaks Today series of commentaries)


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • logical

    Armageddon is a place, not a battle, and that battle in Rev 16:14 will happen AFTER the 1000 year reign.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Revelation was a DREAM that John had. Probably he was under the influence of a hallucinogen when he had that dream. The whole book of Revelation is a fevered fantasy. And remember that some scholars don't even believe Revelation should have made the final canonical cut to be included in the Bible!

    Armageddon is a spiritual event, not an actual place of war. Try reading the book as if it were allegorical, without any prophetic mumbo-jumbo. It makes a lot more 'sense' when viewed that way. It is a lot less scary when you keep it in its context.

    That fear is the biggest meanest chain the Society uses to shackle the hearts and minds of its slaves. As you keep studying and learning, the fear will probably be replaced with righteous anger that you were held in those shackles unnecessarily just so you could help make money for a publishing house.

    Don't worry, though, there is lots of help to recover, both from the fear, and from the rage that may replace it.

    The best thing you can do for yourself is to read every commentary and discussion you can find about the Bible in general and Revelation in particular.
    Remember that JWs DON'T teach the Bible, they teach the Society's interpretation of the Bible. Do yourself the courtesy of finding out what many other sources have to say about it. How do you know what to believe if you don't genuinely check out all available information?

    Welcome out of the Dark Tower's shadow and into the light of personal responsibility. It can be scary but OOOH! It's exhilarating to find out you can indeed think clearly and make choices NOT based on fear or guilt!

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