Most of the Witnesses that marry are in their early 20's that I know of. They have zippo experience in anything except how to hide pimples. From what you have seen, are most Witnesses encouraged to get married---just so that they don't sin?
Do JWs Marry At Too Young of an Age???
by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends
Yup -- I think so. It would be interesting to see the divorce statistics for young JW couples.
Nah statistically people are marrying older. JWs just have not caught up to the trend.
IF you dont go to college past a 2 year JC age 20 is good as any. THe only thing that delays marriage for most people is building a career. If you dont have much of a career any age is good enough. In western societly you think it takes experience to pay your rent on time, or your utilities? Maybe when most JWs start doing these 8 year university stints it will seem odd.
How many normal people, much less a JW have the life experience at age 20 to make that decision. Thats as bad as getting baptized at 12 years old.
At age 20 you can legaly join the military and potentialy die. So considering marriage is less lethal than armed combat is 20 really such a bad age?
If you're a guy and see a hotty, you better grab her young in the JW faith or else you'll loose her to a bethellite
XQ's I've asked you a few times as to whether or not you are still a JW since you claim to speak for them. Are you or aren't you?.....Once again, I can only say your comments sound "trollish". But that's fine by me.
Also, I've noted that single JW guys will not marry divorced women unless they are divorced themselves!
That's because they're still virgins.
Guys marry young because they can't wait to have sex.
Girls marry young because they don't know if they will find some else when they are older.
Both marry young to get out of the house and away from mom and dad and sometimes the WTS.