Hi Neo..
Welcome to the forum
You seem quite comfortable here and are flying around the thread I see. Neo could fly!!
Great to have you here, and look forward to reading more of your posts.
Special K
by Neo 44 Replies latest jw experiences
wow...never thought of the JW's as a sort of "matrix"
Everyone else who wont talk to you=Other JWs
People that will talk to you=Ready to be freed.
You really sum up what this forum is about: 1) sharing experiences, 2) exposing truth, and 3) having fun.
Yeah, there should be of course room for fluff and fun , but exposing truth (and lies ) as well as supporting one another (and lurkers) are an integral part of our interactions here.
I would also add up one more point:
4) To awaken the researcher inside all of us... (that's what your posts do! Please keep on being a research addict; I bet people are loving your posts!)
Just let me know when you plan to go into any office lobbies with Trinity, and I'll be sure to steer clear out of the way....
No problem, I only do this kind of stuff when I'm doing my job inside the Matrix.
TonyT, bem and shera:
Thank you very much, all of you!
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Welcome, Blondie
That's why I made them! Thanks for your reception! Your posts are very much appreciated!!