This link was posted by Neon Madman in another thread (, but I think it is worthy of its own thread.
I read part of the manual and it really made me laugh! Here is a quote:
First of all, we should appreciate that Jehovah God is the Great Theocrat. We recognize him as supreme and we have full faith that he is directing his organization through his Son, Jesus Christ. We should realize that organization instructions come from the head down and not from the bottom up.
Personally, I think the instructions just come from their head being up their bottom!
Continuation of quote:
We who are young and new in these homes certainly want to find our right place in the organization and be contented. We should have confidence in Jehovah's organization and that Jehovah places the members in thebody or organization as it pleases him. We should be delighted to do whatever is required.
Those poor uneducated kids/slaves!
It made me feel kinda sick reading it, but it also gave me quite a chuckle!
Other funnies:
We believe that everyone in the Bethel home is working to advance the interests of the Kingdom. We will keep on believing that unless someone proves otherwise. "By their fruits you will recognize them."Matt. 7:16.
Anyone up for the challenge? It's not hard!
Men are given places of responsibility, and those placed in such positions should be respected by all. The women should always keep their proper place and recognize Jehovah's arrangement as to their position in His organization.
Okay ... that one is not funny. That one makes me mad!