Do you believe in "same sex" marriage?

by Carmel 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    Yes , I believe in "same sex" marriages. I think if two people are committed to each other, they should also legally be entitled to the same benefits other marriages have.

    I remember watching .."If these walls could talk part 2" and there were two older women who lived together as a married couple for all of their adult years. In the end, when one died, the other had to part with her home and all of the belongings because they technically belongs to her partner.......It was very sad , she had to leave all of their shared memories.

  • GentlyFeral
    LT, of the "one-track mind" class

    Breathe....breathe deeply, tantrika...

    Um, can I watch?


  • myauntfanny
    the end, when one died, the other had to part with her home and all of the belongings because they technically belongs to her partner

    But couldn't they make wills leaving it all to each other?

    I have a pair of gay friends who have been together for a few years and insurance etc is the least of their problems. Since one is American and the other is German, they are completely screwed when it comes to immigration. Now they're here and they are miserable because they want to go back, but the German can't get permission to stay in the states. If they were mixed they could just get married and it would all be solved, but for them it can NEVER be solved. I find it sad, because they are clearly a real married couple. The American has no desire to be here and actually no opportunities here either, he is just here because it's the only way to stay with his partner.

    As far as having the same sex over and over (I didn't miss the beginning of the thread) there's a simple solution. Just have sex once a year, then it will always seem new.

  • LittleToe

    Doesn't it get boring?
    (btw, good to see you back )

    Ooooh, naughty.
    I guess that would certainly add to the variety.

    That's does NOT sound like a reasonable solution!!!

  • myauntfanny

    LT: I didn't think it would float your boat.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    The question is not should you let them get married it is should you let them get divorced. If you wana remarry daisychain.

  • ohiocowboy
    But couldn't they make wills leaving it all to each other?

    It's really sad, but a lot of times, even when there is a will involved, the family often challenges the will, and many times end up with everything, even though there was a legal will involved, which in turn leaves the remaining partner with nothing, even things that were bought and paid for together. Seeing firsthand what some people can be like (Greedy) when someone dies, leaves a very sick feeling in my stomach.

  • StinkyPantz
    As far as having the same sex over and over (I didn't miss the beginning of the thread) there's a simple solution. Just have sex once a year, then it will always seem new.

  • LittleToe

    You were right, it didn't - LOL.

    You know that the standard rejoiner to:

    Should be:


  • jwbot

    Do I believe in same sex marriage?

    Hell no! At first Mike and I were practicing it and I had to bring out the wip and teach him a lesson. We are now a holy different-sex practicing couple! ;)

    But more seriously: Marriage should not have government involvement and no more benefits than a civil union. If there is a church that wants to perform marriage ceremonies for a gay couple, thats their choice and the couples choice! And they of course should have all the benefits, civil union or marriage... Having a family is not about procreating....I am not pregnant but me and Mike are a family, and we are no less commited than my married hetero sister, and no better than my friends gay relationship.

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