1* Jehovah does not directly communicate with anyone today. THAT LEAVES THE WTS "OUT OF THE LOOP" TOO, DUDNIT?
2* Jehovah is using the Watchtower Society and the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class as His only "channel of communication". THE ONLY THING THEY'RE "CHANNELING" IS TONS OF FODDER.....OR A WHOLEY SHIT OF A SPIRIT THAT LOVES TO HATE.
3* It is actually only the Governing Body of the Faithful and Discreet Slave that is the "channel", not the whole Slave Class. AN OUNCE OF PRETENTION IS WORTH A POUND OF MANURE. ELITIST CRAPOLA, ALL OF IT!
4* The Watchtower Society is the ONLY "spirit-directed" Organization on earth. GETTING DEEP IN HERE (NEEDS BOOTS)....
5* Jehovah has never given any dreams or visions to the Governing Body, and they do not hear voices (I can post quotes upon request). GRANTED....AFTER ALL....THEY DO TURN A DEAF EAR TO REASON.
6* Yet, Jehovah still communicates to the Governing Body in a mysterious, unexplainable way, using (1) His active force, (2) the anointed ones who died and are in heaven, (3) Michael the Archangel, (4) the other angels. IF IT CAN'T BE EXPLAINED, IT AIN'T HAPPENING, HOWEVER....IT'S RUMORED THAT THEY DRAW PEBBLES OR MARBLES (BLACK & WHITE) TO MAKE DECISIONS ON IMPORTANT (TO THEM) ISSUES.
7* The Governing Body is NOT infallible, is not inspired, is not perfect, can be deceived, can make mistakes and errors, can be wrong. THEY GOT THIS PART RIGHT.
8* The Governing Body has suggested dates for Armageddon in the past that were wrong. I'M UNDERWHELMED.
9* The Governing Body's motives are always pure. YES....PURELY EGOTISTIC.
10* The Governing Body is a "prophet" that speaks in Jehovah's Name and interprets the Scriptures. ACCORDING TO THEIR ADMISSIONS IN #7, THEY'RE FALSE PROPHETS AND CAN'T TELL THEIR BUTTS FROM A HOLE IN THE GROUND.
11* The Bible cannot be understood without the Watchtower Society explaining it to us. ROFLMAO!!!
12* If you disobey the fallible, imperfect, non-inspired Governing Body, you can and will be Disfellowshipped or Disassociated (shunned by all Jehovah's Witnesses). WORKS FOR MOI.
13* In order to be saved at Armageddon, you must be a dedicated and baptized Jehovah's Witness in "good standing", and be "active" in field service. THEY TRUST IN THIS SO MUCH THAT THEY'VE DECIDED TO KEEP THEIR HQ IN BROOKLYN AND FACE THE TERRORISTS THERE....HEHEHEHEH