Spirit-Directed Organization

by UnDisfellowshipped 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sunspot

    **This is what the Watchtower Society claims (I can post quotes if anyone wants them):

    If you were serious about this, It would be great if you could repost this and include the quotes to these topics right after each one. It would be a valuable tool to be able to bookmark for later when discussing this stuff with JWs.....having this all "in one place" so to speak, would make referencing easier!


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    1* Jehovah does not directly communicate with anyone today. THAT LEAVES THE WTS "OUT OF THE LOOP" TOO, DUDNIT?

    2* Jehovah is using the Watchtower Society and the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class as His only "channel of communication". THE ONLY THING THEY'RE "CHANNELING" IS TONS OF FODDER.....OR A WHOLEY SHIT OF A SPIRIT THAT LOVES TO HATE.

    3* It is actually only the Governing Body of the Faithful and Discreet Slave that is the "channel", not the whole Slave Class. AN OUNCE OF PRETENTION IS WORTH A POUND OF MANURE. ELITIST CRAPOLA, ALL OF IT! 4* The Watchtower Society is the ONLY "spirit-directed" Organization on earth. GETTING DEEP IN HERE (NEEDS BOOTS)....

    5* Jehovah has never given any dreams or visions to the Governing Body, and they do not hear voices (I can post quotes upon request). GRANTED....AFTER ALL....THEY DO TURN A DEAF EAR TO REASON.

    6* Yet, Jehovah still communicates to the Governing Body in a mysterious, unexplainable way, using (1) His active force, (2) the anointed ones who died and are in heaven, (3) Michael the Archangel, (4) the other angels. IF IT CAN'T BE EXPLAINED, IT AIN'T HAPPENING, HOWEVER....IT'S RUMORED THAT THEY DRAW PEBBLES OR MARBLES (BLACK & WHITE) TO MAKE DECISIONS ON IMPORTANT (TO THEM) ISSUES.

    7* The Governing Body is NOT infallible, is not inspired, is not perfect, can be deceived, can make mistakes and errors, can be wrong. THEY GOT THIS PART RIGHT.

    8* The Governing Body has suggested dates for Armageddon in the past that were wrong. I'M UNDERWHELMED.

    9* The Governing Body's motives are always pure. YES....PURELY EGOTISTIC.

    10* The Governing Body is a "prophet" that speaks in Jehovah's Name and interprets the Scriptures. ACCORDING TO THEIR ADMISSIONS IN #7, THEY'RE FALSE PROPHETS AND CAN'T TELL THEIR BUTTS FROM A HOLE IN THE GROUND.

    11* The Bible cannot be understood without the Watchtower Society explaining it to us. ROFLMAO!!!

    12* If you disobey the fallible, imperfect, non-inspired Governing Body, you can and will be Disfellowshipped or Disassociated (shunned by all Jehovah's Witnesses). WORKS FOR MOI. 13* In order to be saved at Armageddon, you must be a dedicated and baptized Jehovah's Witness in "good standing", and be "active" in field service. THEY TRUST IN THIS SO MUCH THAT THEY'VE DECIDED TO KEEP THEIR HQ IN BROOKLYN AND FACE THE TERRORISTS THERE....HEHEHEHEH

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Lol get a commision lol * In order to be saved at Armageddon, you must be a dedicated and baptized Jehovah's Witness in "good standing", and be "active" in field service.

    I believed they buried this after 1975 they took these requiredments out of the 1985 WT index and finally tossed it with the 1995 turn over. SInce the 90's they have also changed what armegeddon is so there won't be any feildservice to be "active" in.

    There a term for how the Governing Body gets its "spirit direction" it is called 'Cold Reading'. http://skepdic.com/coldread.html Except they cold read the bible and the New York times. The mesh mash of pop culture and acient hebrew exploits is regergitate in a "self help" for every situation format. Have you notice the peniultimate direction of the watchtowers material is to help the reader do something. THey rarely write an article for the sole purpose of entertaining or being informative.

    Theologically they can claim spirit direction and not inspired because they are born again christians. Born again christians believe in general the holy spirit comes and lives inside of them directing their actions. Because most of JWs are not christian they have no idea what is going on or who their leaders think they are guided by. The rank and file believe in bootleg buddism, western style; truncated into 1000 years pass or fail test for all of mankind instead of the potentialy eternal path to enlightenment, or you could interpet it as islam for alcholics with bad knees. Which ever version the GB emphasizes in that weeks watchtower.

  • confusedjw


    Nice stuff - could you post quotes? I would like to print that out in the original words


  • hubert

    < Jehovah is using the Watchtower Society and the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class as His ONLY "Channel of Communication".>

    You Can Live Forever Book, page 190. states... quote... "The Bible says that actually there is only "one Faith". Who, then, are the ones who form the body of true worshippers today?

    "WE........do not hesitate to say that they are Jehovah's Witnesses".

    So, it's not God that says this, it's the Watchtower who says it. Maybe you can use this quote.

  • VM44

    "The Watchtower is Spirit Directed, but not Inspired"

    How can they have it both ways? Isn't it a contradiction in terms as that statement stands? How can anyone be honest with themself and actually believe that? Is this not an example of 1984's "Doublespeak"?

    And, is this direction by God a statistical? The direction of the Organization is generally in the direction God wants it to go? and so the WT uses the illustration of a boat "tacking" from sailing?

    And the WT also "Waits on Jehovah" to set things right. When statements become so obviously wrong to everyone, then they will change them! example: 1914 Generation would not pass away!

    Carl Sagan said that the Watchtower was dishonest intellectually, and it was amazing that people still followed it. He also said there some people are amazingly resistant to reason when it came to religion.

    Instead of collapsing upon foundations of illogic, the WT builds expensive sites like the one in Patterson, New York. Go figure.


  • XQsThaiPoes

    In all fairness guys the life forever book was old lighted and replaced with the knowlege book.

  • gumby

    In all fairness they still believe the same bullshit.


  • Pole


    I was under the delusional belief that there was something called THE TRUTH and that one could find it... and the IF THEN logic of JWs seemed to provide the answers I was looking for....as long as I did not think to hard...which of course I did and is part of the reason I am now out.... their IF THENs had flaws and I could see all too many times that THEY were defining the IFs as IF there was only THEIR view of it and no other possibilities...as many others do as well...

    Using your ifs-and-thens terminology I must say that not only do their thens outnumber their ifs, but most of the ifs are impossible to prove, hard to believe and sometimes simply ridiculous. And when you have problems with the ifs, you can't any longer accept the far-reaching thens.

    they had no desire to explore other possibilities, they present their IFs with an absoluteness they never justified.
    more than that, they wanted me to say I KNEW I had found THE TRUTH...and I told one elder point blank...well, I believe [at that time] that I have found the truth, but I don't KNOW it... but he was not happy with that and tried to press me more.

    Their absoluteness in presenting their ifs only shows that manipulative ifs require a fierce emotional defence. One that contains even more manipulative ifs, for example, they ask questions like:

    "So, are you going to leave Jehovah's organization?" "Do you really want to join Satan's system of things?"

    There is a classic example of such implicature in linguistics (pragmatics). For example, when somebody asks you a question like: "When did you start beating your wife?", it's obvious how this question is flawed if you have never beaten your wife...

    I guess their tests of loyalty ultimately boil down to provocation, even if it's subconscious provocation. They'd love you to get furious at their outright stupidity with foam on your mouth, so they could say: "There's no point in saving this soul, as it has already been captured by Satan".

    Reasonable ifs either defend themselves, or nobody is interested in defending them, because the assumption is that they are a matter of faith and so it's up to you to decide if they have any consequences for yourself.


  • Golf

    How about a mis-guided spirit? Do you remember when Saul went to see the spirit medium of En-dor? Or is it the spirit in the bottle?

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