Just curious to see how many people have online jounals be it live journals or dead journals or a blog?
How many have online journals?
by Tuesday 11 Replies latest jw friends
I have one ... : but not open (just the 1rs page) I take my time to think about what I'm gonna put in it, in the first place it was to improve FlashMX
Special K
I have one on diaryland.com. I enjoy maintaining a collection of my thoughts and reflections. Im a pretty fast typer so it's much easier for me than writing w/ pen and paper.
Here's President Bush's Blog
Personally, I think it's terrible for people to have blogs. It allows them to vomit their feelings on the internet, and they open themselves up for critisizm. A lot of these people have low self-esteems and end up confusing themselves even more by having hundreds of people telling them what to do based on their blog.
I've been thinking of starting a blog for criticizing other people's blogs.
I am with Nosferatu. I have very low self esteem and I use my blog only to get critisism not because I have made tons of friends online!
Here it is: http://www.livejournal.com/users/laceyjess
And the JW community I maintain: http://www.livejournal.com/community/jw_discussion