The contempt of Anthony Morris: the face doesn't lie.
by freemindfade 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Trouble with these televised buffoons of all religious shades is they ooze sanctimonious contempt and "niceness" in dazzling tandem. -
Still Totally ADD
They may be crazy but they wear really, really nice suits. LOL Still Totally ADD -
It is these type of faces, and the attitudes, personalities behind them, in the K Halls (they are so rare in the "field") that strips the wt of any claim to be the "christianity" defined by John 13:35.
added: Add the disdain for the ideas of others, aloofness expressed by David Splane, and a more complete picture of the mindset of the wt leaders emerges.
Interesting, considering he seems - more and more - to have become the GB's "public face".
Wait, does this mean that Elvis and Billy Idol were contemptuous of their fans?
I wonder how ToMo3 would handle being dropped on his ass in the real world? If he was no longer on a free ride in his holy temple?
I bet that sneer would turn to outright fear in an instant as he realises that he doenst have power over everyone around him!
Smug is what he is. -
that cult side that comes out, like a werewolf, has been solid evidence to me this group is full blown cult, it's something you only see on the other side isn't it. - freemindfade
Yes totally agree. Nice to know you have had the same experience. It's a bit surreal to see now - on the other side - as you say. I had no idea before such a thing happened.
I know I must have done the same thing. In our mind we were "defending the truth". In reality, we were brainwashed cult weirdos. Sad.
I guess it will just have to click for the wives at some point. Hopefully it will, if we patiently erode the foundation. The cult has a huge head start on us, but we have 24/7 access. I insist on winning.
Village Idiot
stuckinarut2: "I wonder how ToMo3 would handle being dropped on his ass in the real world?"
I'm sure he and his buddies have skimmed and squirreled away a few million bucks each.
I have worked in jail, I have worked in a drug rehab clinic and I have worked in churches. There are definitely themes that work themselves out in these groups. No stereotypes, but we start to recognize the patterns and that stereotypes exist for a reason in some groups. I think I can spot a B.S.'er(Of certain sorts) better than anyone. OTOH, I miss others. I am very instinctually untrusting or trusting of certain people. Others I may like, but I recognize that they have traits that will not serve me well in the end (not being selfish, just realizing that their personal deficiencies could and likely will come back and bite me in the backside if I don't keep myself somewhat removed). My husband is exactly the opposite. He wants to fix all the broken toys. Even the ones that no longer have parts, even the molds are broken-you know? He wants to love them and encourage them into wholeness.
This is why some of us need to just donate our goods to charity, while others have the judgement to know that a person or family will actually be benefitted by our help to move forward in the world. My husband wants to give them all a job and a place to live. I have learned from experience, for example, that most homeless people are homeless for a reason. They want to be homeless or they hurt everyone they meet (financially, physically, or just are MEAN) or even if harmless, they have very unsocial and difficult traits or habits to live with. There are some that honestly are just hurt by life and don't know how to move away from it. There are shelters that really can and do try to help the people who are stuck by circumstances that are beyond their control (to a great degree). Some folks are milking every system they come across and working in the places I have, I meet those people-they know how to work the system and they do it with impunity.
AM3 has found a system to use to his advantage(milk) and he is smarter than everyone else that supports him in it. Of course he is contemptuous. He has them all exactly where he wants them and he can say virtually anything and there will be JWs that will defend him and all that he says no matter what it costs them-life, freedom, family, finances. They gave him that authority and dang it, he is gonna use it.
@vidiot Id like to think billy idols sneer was to the system. The man. The establishment