upcoming JC - info needed

by mineralogist 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • mineralogist

    After some months they finally "invited" us on a JC for - even if they didn't say - apostasy. I once read somewhere of an official letter (BOE or something) that the elders should let people fade if they want and don't cause any trouble. As this is what we carefully tried i'd wish if someone could verify this policy and hopefully could dircet to the writing.

    I think of participating the JC (they want to call with 4(!) elders) as to know how it feels like and maybe get a little insight when talking with other exJW. They should have called earlier - now a think i have made a good step forward out of the borg.

  • GermanXJW


    I hope you will be successful in what you want to achieve: either get away with it or to have peace at last ...

  • Simon

    Just be aware that whatever you say and whatever points you make ... the decision has probably already been made before you go into it.

    They will shcnage the subject every time you shoot them down but it's nice to see them so unable to defend their beliefs.

    I had 6 of 'em ... quite good fun really.

  • GermanXJW

    So, Simon, was is your present status? (I am curious.)

  • Simon
    either get away with it or to have peace at last

    Yes, it does give you a certain amount of 'closure'

  • GermanXJW
  • mineralogist

    Nothing new yet, i thought about something like "if they wonna go ... let them". Maybe it was only some german case cause WTS wanna get same privilege than "Babylon the great" has.

    And just to let you know: the elders have no power over us any more - instead we just fell peety of them cause they don't know the truth about the troof.

  • Elsewhere

    JC Rule #1: Go buy a little recorder and record every word they say. Elders have a tendency to lie about what they say in JCs. Never talk to an elder under any circumstances without a recorder going.

    JC Rule #2: If they start to pry or ask you questions you know will get you into trouble, just say: "I'm sorry, but I'm not comfortable talking about that right now.".

    JC Rule #3: If they mention anything about DA or DF, then mention the possibility of legal action for slander... also mention that if people suddenly start avoiding you for no apparent reason, you will know that they have slandered you and or violated your Clergy Privilege and will pursue that in court too.

  • Terry

    Actually nobody "has" to attend a Judicial Committee.

    You won't be kidnapped and duct taped and carried there kicking and screaming.

    Think of the JC meeting as a spider web and you are the fly.

    The spider invites you in; but, you don't have to agree.

    That is the mistake I made when I was invited to the JC meeting. I actually showed up!

    Had I not showed up they would not and could not have disfellowshipped me.

    Why? Because I had not done anything! There was no evidence, testimony or fact against me.

    What they did was get me in front of them and try to provoke me into saying something defensive or rebellious. I don't remember actually SAYING anything that would be construed as defensive or rebellious--but, that did not keep the committee from hearing it anyway.

    It took less than fifteen minutes to be disfellowhipped for me.

    I could have avoided it.

    Why would I avoid it? So as to avoid the nonsensical and hurtful shunning by friends and brothers who might otherwise continue to share some humane relationship unfettered by fear and guilt.

    That's my two cents.


  • mineralogist

    Elsewheregood idea to tape it. I think of taking at least two recorders to the meeting. One to let them find and the others are backups. But please don't tell my friend - a lawyer - she'll say it is illegal (who cares?)

    Terry i know i don't have to attend the JC, but i want to know, what the accusations are - even if i can't win their game ;-) Actually i already said they should give a written invitation with specific agenda - i am sure i'll never get it.

    Simonthat's exactly what i gonna tell the elders: i would be free to tell anyone anything i want. For now we have been cautios with it. I am just preparing a mass-mail to all members of the congregation to let them know why i'm DF'ed - and that should (of course) be delivered BEFORE the anouncement. Let's have some fun! (even if it is NOT funny)

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