If you had to change one thing you did while being a JW, what would it be?

by MelbaToast 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • bem

    Awwwwwww ((((Glitter)))) don't pick on yourself too hard...

  • avengers

    I would tell my kids to get as far away from this godforsaken cult as possible.
    I'm sorry for teaching them "Jehovah's ways".


  • RR

    I would have gone to bethel, when I was invited ... just think of the "killing" I would have made on ebay!


  • Glenmore

    1. I would have gone slower getting baptized, and maybe I would have read Crisis of Conscience and backed out while I could - it came out just a few months after I got dunked. 2. When we left in 1985 we should have stayed out. 3. I should have left slowly in 1998 and told the truth about the truth to as many who would listen.

  • DanTheMan

    I wish I would have faded instead of DA'ing.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    I would never had let them get to my money.

  • JH

    I would have been less generou$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  • BrendaCloutier

    Getting baptized was no big deal. The dove didn't decend on me, and I just froze my arse off in front of 10-s of thousands of people. It really was a giant dissappointment to me.... at 14 years old!

    What I really regret is:

    1) allowing my parents to pull me out of HS after my sophomore year by bribing me with a car to go into the ministry and possibly become a pioneer (or find a husband).

    2) when I found the husband-to-be at just over 18 years old, I wished I had backed out as I wanted because I saw behaviour in him that was unacceptable. I didn't back out because the wedding invitations had already been sent. he turned out to be a violent alcoholic.

    Actually, these are my only real regrets in my life. Those, and how I left my 3rd husband. I still would have left him, though.


  • MelbaToast


    Brenda I can so relate to #1 in your list, although my mom waited until I graduated High School to pull the big bribe. She told me they would pay for car, insurance, money, clothes, etc if I pioneered instead of going to college. Blech. I told her that I shouldn't have to be bribed to to spiritual "doodies"

    Melba of the "what had my mom been smoking" class

  • toreador

    Ditto on baptism and also wish I would have woken up sooner.

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