it all depends who you are friends with!
i once watched the ministry school overseer tell a brother (who had just moved in from 1000 miles away and was living in another city 40 miles away) which parts he would have in the upcoming months. (they were no 1's, elder or m.s. only). this was 1 month before co's visit.there was no announcement that brother "new" was appointed as an elder until 1 month after co's visit(branch letter). Of course brother "new" had a brother in the circuit work, was close friends to the PO(the PO's father had brought brother "new" into the un-truth(i recall hearing that the PO's father had also bought in a family of which a daughter had married Ken Little, Canada Branch Overseer, although no proof), also bother "new" has a son who is married to the daughter of the local jdub godfather(he goes to the corporation meetings every october).So as you can see the discision was made before the co's visit.To finish off the storey, brother "new" was a real idiot. once he stated that women in quebec were not allowed to take their husband's surname(during the Tower that he was conducting). he should have known better, he had moved in from Montreal, the largest city in quebec.No one ever questioned this (he is an elder after all) even though several in the cong had attended weddings in montreal including the the daughter of another elder and everone knew better.
dumb dumb wasn't even living in the cong's territory during this time. when he moved, he moved in with his son who lived in another cong where the need was greater for "qualified" men.
to top it all off meeting times were even put back, one of the reasons given being to allow for brother "new " to get to the KH on time.
any way that's my rant for today. I know the nepotism sounds like something from the british royal family but it's all true.