After months of promising my seven year old son, I have finally set our computer up with DSL. That isn't such a big deal since we have had Broadband cable for at least a couple of years. The big deal is, I set up a wireless router and connected both computers to a network so we have both computers set up with DSL internet access.
So, after hours of total frustration I gave up. Steve took us out to dinner and after getting home I crawled into bed and watched a stupid movie. Then I crawled out, poured myself a scotch and started messing with the computer again and suddenly the router configuration popped up. OMG I finally got the stupid thing working!
Rhys is chanting "Oh Yeah" and dancing around the family room. Steve is on the other computer. It's raining buckets outside. I don't have to spend hours tomorrow on a tech line.
We are connected!
I couldn't possibly do it again since I have no idea how I got it to work.