The Watchtower's incredible ignorance about the human body.

by Norm 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Norm

    Babylonian teachings are always strongly condemned by the Watchtower. There is nothing considered so evil and abominable as whatever considered as Babylonian. It is therefore a remarkable fact that the Watchtower Society itself is guilty of teaching Babylonian ideas. Let us look at one such well-documented fact where the Society for 15 years, from 1971 until 1986, heralded Babylonian ideas as the truth:

    "Determined to Serve Jehovah With a Complete Heart
    The ancient Egyptians believed that the physical heart was the seat of intelligence and the emotions. They also thought that it had a will of its own. The Babylonians said that the heart housed the intellect as well as love. The Greek philosopher Aristotle taught that it was the seat of the senses and the domain of the soul. But as time passed and knowledge increased, these views were discarded. Finally the heart became known for what it is, a pump to circulate the blood throughout the body." The Watchtower, June 1, 1986, page 15.

    The Watchtower said: " But as time passed and knowledge increased, these views were discarded." This is of course true when the general population and the medical society are concerned, but as usual they sneered at this "worldly wisdom" in

    "How Is Your Heart?
    The Bible does not speak of a symbolic or spiritual heart in contradistinction to the fleshly or literal heart, just as it does not speak of a symbolic mind, and thus we do not want to make the mistake of viewing the literal heart as merely a fleshly pump as does orthodox physiology today."

    The Watchtower, Mars 1, 1971, page 134.

    "The sensations of the heart are recorded on the brain. It is here that the heart brings to bear on the mind its desires and its affections in arriving at conclusions having to do with motivations." The Watchtower, Mars 1, 1971, page 134.

    "There is a close interrelationship between the heart and the mind, but they are two different faculties, centering in different locations. The heart is a marvelously designed muscular pump, but, more significantly, our emotional and motivating capacities are built within it. Love, hate, desire (good and bad), preference for one thing over another, ambition, fear?in effect, all that serves to motivate us in relationship to our affections and desires springs from the heart." The Watchtower, Mars 1, 1971, page 134.

    As we can clearly see, the Watchtower teachings are in wonderful harmony with the ancient Egyptian and Babylonian teachings in this matter. The Watchtower didn't " want to make the mistake of viewing the literal heart as merely a fleshly pump as does orthodox physiology today." The Watchtower wanted their faithful followers to know what the heart really was and not to be as ignorant as the nitwits in "orthodox physiology" They explained how the heart was really functioning by describing what happens when you are buying a new suit or dress:

    "The Human Heart Is Treacherous
    As we have learned earlier, the heart does not always listen to the mind. There are times when the heart overwhelms the mind despite its force of logic. We must remember that the heart reasons, too, although this has to do not so much with logic as it does with what is taking place in the heart as our motives, affections and desires take shape and gather momentum in a certain direction, whether for good or for bad." The Watchtower, March 1, 1971, page 140.

    "To illustrate, suppose the time comes when you must make a decision on buying a new suit or dress. First, the mind is confronted with certain facts. Perhaps older clothes are getting past their usefulness or there is a need for a change for some good reason. The heart comes very much into the picture too, as there is a desire at heart to look presentable. Heart and mind are in agreement that a new dress or suit be obtained. The mind now collects information on prices, quality, styles, and so forth, so that when you go shopping you have a pretty good idea which suit or dress should be purchased. But when you arrive at the store, there in the window is quite an eye-catcher, just waiting for the impulse buyer. It is not really practical for you; it involves much more money; it is rather extreme in styling; but how it tantalizes the heart! ?It?s the heart?s delight!?? If you are not very careful, the heart will overwhelm the mind. You will be motivated to follow a course against your better judgment." The Watchtower, March 1, 1971, page 140.

    Heart transplants would also change your personality:

    "How Is Your Heart?
    ?At last year, a 45-year-old man received a new heart from a 20-year-old donor and soon announced to all his friends that he was celebrating his twentieth birthday. Another recipient resolved to live up to the sterling reputation of the prominent local citizen who was the donor. And a third man expressed great fear of feminization upon receiving a woman?s heart, though he was somewhat mollified when he learned that women live longer than men." The Watchtower, Mars 1, 1971, page 135.

    As these very facts prove, did the Watchtower in full harmony with the ancient Babylonians teach that the: " physical heart was the seat of intelligence and the emotions." All faithful and loyal Jehovah's Witnesses therefore HAD to ?believe? this great example of "food in due time" from 1971 until 1986, when it suddenly became permissible for all Jehovah's Witnesses: "to make the mistake of viewing the literal heart as merely a fleshly pump as does orthodox physiology today."

    Let us sum up this amazing example of "progressive light" from the Watchtower literature. First the "truth from 1971:

    " we do not want to make the mistake of viewing the literal heart as merely a fleshly pump as does orthodox physiology today." The Watchtower, Mars 1, 1971, page 134.

    Let us then compare this quote with the statement made by the Watchtower from 1986:

    "But as time passed and knowledge increased, these views were discarded. Finally the heart became known for what it is, a pump to circulate the blood throughout the body."

    The Watchtower, June 1, 1986, page 15.

    So in spite of the fact that this realization of the heart being a muscle pump to circulate blood had been known to most people for several hundred years already, those who was unfortunate to get their information through "Jehovah's channel? on earth, which he use to distribute "food in due time" had to wait until 1986 before they was told what the physical heart really was, a pump! A simple fact that had been generally known for a long time outside the Watchtower Society, fantastic, eh? As the creator of the human body one have to conclude that Jehovah, really did keep his "faithful servants" in his "channel of communication" extremely ignorant about this matter. Either that or the more logic and natural conclusion, he doesn't have anything at all to do with this self-proclaimed "channel". How else should one understand this clinging to Babylonian ideas, long after everybody else had abandoned such ?pagan? ideas? The Watchtower did of course not mention with a single word what had been said about the heart in 1971, as always relying on it's members well known amnesia. This amnesia which we see such excellent examples of on the internet pages every day. This incredible ignorance of the human body also manifests itself in the totally insane idea that having a blood transfusion is the same as eating blood.


  • ballistic

    A very good post, but I couldn't help thinking how weird the whole idea of the heart being it's own thinking identity is. I don't mean to be crude here, but the Watchtower's almost as guilty as people who suggest men are thinking from somewhere in their pants. It is obviously a very ignorant idea.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Provocative post Norm. Weird

  • avengers

    I remember studying this issue about the heart at the kingdumb hall eluja.
    Even then in those days I thought it was a dumb issue.
    I wonder why I didn't catch on then?
    Well it's good to be reminded of their stupidity (and mine) once in a while.
    Thanks for the research Norm.


  • XQsThaiPoes

    notice the dates of the events

    1953: A heart-lung machine designed by physician John Gibbon is used in open-heart surgery, demonstrating that an artificial device can temporarily mimic the functions of the heart.

    ? 1964: The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute sets a goal of designing a total artificial heart by 1970.

    ? 1966: Michael DeBakey of Houston successfully implants a partial artificial heart.

    ? 1967: Christiaan Barnard performs the first human heart transplant. The patient, 53-year-old dentist Louis Washkansky, dies 18 days after surgery in South Africa.

    ? 1969: A total artificial heart is implanted into a patient by Denton Cooley of the Texas Heart Institute. The patient gets a heart transplant three days later but dies more than a day later.

    ? 1982-85: William DeVries carries out a series of five implants of the Jarvik total artificial heart. The first patient, Barney Clark, survives for 112 days. Only four others receive the Jarvik as a permanent replacement heart; one, William Schroeder, lives 620 days; he dies in August 1986 at age 54. Other patients receive the Jarvik as a temporary device while awaiting transplants.

    People started existing long periods of time with out hearts and yet they did not go insane or become robots. And the articles are a direct response to medical research. Hence the 1971 and 1986 dates.

  • blondie

    I can remember my mother and her sibliings "discussing" this point privately, bringing out many of the points you mentioned, Norm. But, of course, they dare not voice them publicly. It made me realize that JW private opinion does not always match their private one. Good post.


  • gumby

    Anybody remember the district assembly where they had the "Heart" and "Mind" props?

    I think it was a Dodger Stadium in the 70's when I went. I remember both props being lit up with lights when each organ would think or reason to show the audience how the heart was the "seat of emotion" and how the heart could overide the mind ....which was "cold and calculating"..

    I wish I has pics of that assembly.

    Ol' Freddy must have been hitting his Xanax real hard when he came up with that bullshit. The poor little skinny bastard got all caught up in reading some old info. off the bethel library bookshelf and just couldn't put it down.


  • cynicus

    AlanF wrote in one of his essays about the famous "heart". If you haven't read it it's here in English and here in Dutch. Recommended.


  • Poztate
    The Watchtower said: " But as time passed and knowledge increased, these views were discarded."

    I have always loved this quote.They make it sound as if the Babylonians and Egyptions were the last persons on earth to believe that the literal heart was the source of emotions.The real truth...they were the last persons on earth to wake up to the facts. They sure don't want to admit to their stupidity and the strange thing is all the "loyal dubs" still in seem to have forgotten all about this.No big deal?? Right.

  • Terry

    I clearly and vividly recall the Watchtower study about the heart and I've asked people about it for years because, as recollect, I am the ONLY person who remembers it. I think JW's have a protective mechanism inside them that shuts out the insanity and filters it away just so they can maintain their cognative dissonance.

    I always wondered why they didn't bother complaining about the names of the days of the week which are all false religious deities! People worshipped the Sun for Sunday, the Moon for Monday,Some of the Europeans believed in Tiw, god of war. His name was spelled several different ways. They believed that the god Tiw guided warriors who worshipped him. The god Tiw lived on a high mountain and whenever a warrior died in battle Tiw would come down to Earth with a group of beautiful women and take the dead warrior to paradise. To honor Tiw, the people named a day of the week after him. They named the day Tiwesdaeg, meaning Tuesday in English. Ancient Scandanavian people believed that one god held power over all the rest and his name was Woden; hence Wednesday (Wodensday), Thor made Thursday, Woden's wife's name was Frigg, a kind and beautiful goddess and we eliminate the "gg's" and get Fri-day, and last, but, not least SATURN gives us Saturday.

    All very pagan!

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