Who loves you?

by StinkyPantz 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • seeitallclearlynow

    I can't help thinking that whether we feel loved or not depends a lot on what impression we were given in our formative years. Some people are very loved by a number of people, yet at times they seem to question this. The people who love them never waiver in their love, yet they are doubted. It's a mindset.

    I don't have a large family or really a lot of close "friends" yet all my life I have felt loved. Oddly enough, not by my mother, whom I love dearly though she is now gone; we were never close and she resented how fond my father was of me, so that always caused tension between us until he left. I really enjoyed my mother once I became an adult with a family of my own.

    I also believe there are various forms and degrees of love, and of course my children and siblings love me deeply and with a strong attachment, and I feel the same way toward them, regardless of differences with siblings. Similar with my cousins, though not as deeply - there just isn't the same amount of familiarity.

    I have friends that I love very much and feel a strong attachment to; and they don't feel the same degree of affection or attachment to me but that's ok! There is satisfaction in just loving someone.

  • Sassy

    Yeah I think about it.......I used to have more friends and many times I sacrificed for them (including one marriage) and when I left the WTS, what did I have ..........Nothing.. sure I have one friend who still emails me once in a blue moon saying she loves me.. but that isn't a real love. She wants to drag me back to the WTS and if I say anything against them she is offended.......... Even my mother, I know loves me in a way, but she will die for the WTS before breaking their rules...

    right now I know I have a couple people who love me..

  • Maverick

    Nice to see you back SP. Mav

  • codeblue

    Well....I know NODenial does....my sons, and a couple of niece's and nephew!!!

    Not really sure of anyone else!!!

  • Nosferatu

    One thing that will never change is my love for myself.

  • Jez

    I don't care who loves me. I have a good life and will make sure that it is good because there is only one person left in the end, yourself. I love ME for sure, all the other relationships in life COULD disappear. I can't leave myself. JW religion has taught me not to trust any relationship 100%. I GREW UP with ppl that will not talk to me now, I was more than a sister to them, I looked after their children, cried with them over loved ones dying, shared intimate things, I WAS ALWAYS THERE! Life has no guarantees, I walk it now with eyes wide open.

    The relationships I have that would dent my soul if they dissolved are my husband and my children. My immediate family is what I focus on now.


  • Stefanie


    The kids.

  • JamesThomas

    So very nice to see you back on the forum.

    Strangely, when there is just open acceptance and presence with folks -- void of thoughts of who loves me? or who cares? or who do I love? etc. -- love blossoms.

    I guess what I am saying is forget thoughts of love, or lists of those loved, and just simply BE -- and see.


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