Our bill is 150 dollars a week for groceries?
How much do you all pay?
It used to be 100, but since the kids are getting bigger they are eating ALOT more...lol
by Stefanie 17 Replies latest jw friends
Our bill is 150 dollars a week for groceries?
How much do you all pay?
It used to be 100, but since the kids are getting bigger they are eating ALOT more...lol
It used to be 100, but since the kids are getting bigger they are eating ALOT more...lol
I learned that you can save a lot of money by only feeding kids every other day.
Kid: I'm hungry.
Me: What??? Didn't I just feed you yesterday?
To make a comparison, you really need to know how many poeple it's for and how much of your meals it covers, do you eat out or buy take away lunches on top of your food bill. And the big one, does it include alcohol??? My food bill for the month for me personally is about 200 pounds a month including everything apart from eating \ drinking out. You could do it for less, but I only buy the highest quality food as my body is a temple. If you believe that - you'll believe anything.
LMAO Else!
I tried that, all it got me was tackled to the ground!
By the time we get the pop tarts, cereal, cookies, juice, chips, stuff to make pizza, fruit cups, jello, pudding... I am broke
And I dont eat any of that stuff!
Oh well....
To make a comparison, you really need to know how many poeple it's for and how much of your meals it covers, do you eat out or buy take away lunches on top of your food bill. And the big one, does it include alcohol??? My food bill for the month for me personally is about 200 pounds a month.
No its NOT including eating out, No there is no alcohol purchased with food..
We spend about $150-160 bucks for food per week.
But, now I started feeding the kids Gruel......
how many kids are u feeding? I think $150 is excellent, i sometimes spend that much just on my hubby and i. and no we don't eat steaks, but just stuff like toothpaste and mouthwash, toliet paper, razors, bath soap, laundry detergent, dish waher detergent, cleaners, ajax type products, on and on, plus vitamins, bottled water, sodas, wow, that amounts to a lot. i was spending 150. a week back in the 80's with 2 kids and a hubby and dog.
i think u must be a master worker to make it on that
4 kids and two adults.
and its just food and nothing else.
The household items are purchased at another store.
It seems like alot to me and i know its only gonna go higher since the boy is only 9
and the rest are girls..
Probably $100 every two weeks. We usually eat out on the weekends. I bought one of those big fluffy pillows from Superstore! It's supposed to be for dogs, but the dog can sleep on the rug. Actually, we don't have a dog, so the big fluffy pillow is ALL MINE!!!
pop tarts, cereal, cookies, juice, chips, stuff to make pizza, fruit cups, jello, pudding
toothpaste and mouthwash, toliet paper, razors, bath soap, laundry detergent, dish waher detergent, cleaners, ajax type products, on and on, plus vitamins, bottled water, sodas,
I was a *very* struggling single mom of 2 kids on a fairly low salary. I eliminated a lot of the stuff mentioned above (no NOT toothpaste or bath soap!!!) ... but did eliminate junk foods and extraneous cleaning goods ... consumers are targets for all of these specialized cleansers etc. when really 1 or 2 will do ya (remember Valis ode to peppermint castille soap???) ... I nixed special cleaners in favor of the basics..bath soap, dish soap (I was the dishwasher!), and laundry soap - period. No soda, pop tarts, special cups o'stuff. No paper towels or napkins, we used towels and washed'em. No bottled water (Oakland California has some of the highest rated, best tasting water in the US). Cheap cuts of meat, buying in bulk, cooking in bulk and freezing to save time, etc. These are all still good ways to economize.
My kids are grown now (early 20s) but I know my food budget was approximately $50/week and I made it stretch. I also clipped coupons and shopped at the discounters.
Man am I GLAD those days are over. We're comfortable now, but I eat out mostly or buy in small quantities which I prepare the same day. Couldn't even tell you what my budget is now, I don't track it.