Included in this post are the rest of these profound messages for humanity..
Here's the fourth, ?Message of Hope? (1925):
The International Bible Students in general convention assembledsend greetings:
When in the course of human affairs the nations have reached acondition of extremity it is due time that the peoples giveconsideration to the inducing causes, to the proffered remedies and tothe true remedy. We humbly invite consideration of this message, tothe end that the peoples might find consolation therein and hope fortheir future welfare.
For centuries man has been the victim of oppression, war, famine,sickness, sorrow and death. At all times he has desired peace,prosperity, health, life, liberty and happiness.
World powers, science and philosophy, commerce and religion haveeach in turn offered its respective remedies for man's relief. In thename and under the guise of democracy, these combine in offeringtheir joint and several powers to meet the requirements of man.Together they claim to be the sunlight of the world, holding forth allthe light that shines to enlighten and guide the human race.
Intrigue, duplicity and trickery are freely resorted to by the politicaland commercial powers; science and philosophy are marked by vanityand self-sufficiency; while the religionists, both Catholic andProtestant, are conspicuous by their arrogance, self-conceit, impietyand ungodliness. Therefore, It is apparent that the remedies offered byany and all of these aforementioned elements are vain, impotent andpowerless to satisfy man's desire.
Catholicism claims and assumes that which justly belongs exclusivelyto God. Modernists deny God, deny His Word and Ills plan ofredemption, and offer blind force as a remedy for man's undonecondition. Fundamentalists, while professing to believe the Bible, bytheir course of action deny the same. They teach false and Goddishonoring doctrines, and together with Catholics and Modernistsare allied with the political and commercial powers of the world inblasphemously claiming the ability to establish God's kingdom oilearth. All of these have combined under Satan their superlord to pushGod into a corner and to dishonor his name.
The results are that the peoples are smarting under the oppressiveweight of commercial profiteers and their allies, have lost faith intheir political leaders, and no longer have respect for the religionistswho have misled them. Being guided by the false light of such anungodly and unholy alliance, the peoples have fallen into darkness.They are like lost sheep scattered upon the mountain tops without ashepherd, and are without food and shelter and are made the prey ofwild beasts.
The causes for this deplorable condition are that man by reason oforiginal sin fell from perfection; and that Satan the enemy of God andall righteousness is the invisible ruler or god of this evil world, and byhis various agencies has turned the minds of many peoples away fromGod and from His truth.
The greatest crisis of the ages is impending and about to fall; becausethe old world has ended and Satan's lease of power is done. Knowingthis, and that his time is short, the Devil is trying to overwhelm thepeoples with a great flood of false and deceptive doctrines and to turntheir minds completely away from Jehovah. The time has come forGod to make for himself a name In the earth and for the peoples toknow the truth concerning the divine plan, which is the only meansof salvation for the world.
Therefore, in the name and in the spirit of the Lord, the Standard ofGod's truth and righteousness is lifted here up against the enemy andfor the benefit of the peoples, which standard is to wit:
That Jehovah is the only true God. the Most High, the Almighty, theAuthor and Finisher of his great plan for the salvation of man, and isthe Rewarder of all that diligently seek and obey him; that the Bible ishis revealed Word of Truth; that his beloved Son Christ Jesus is theRedeemer and Deliverer of mankind and, true to his promise, hascome to rule and bless the peoples: that the present turmoil, distressand perplexity of the nations is in fulfilment of prophecy, provingthat Satan's empire is breaking down and that the Lord ofRighteousness is taking possession; that the Lord Jesus Christ is nowestablishing his righteous government, and will sweep away Satan'sstronghold of lies, lead the people into the true light, and judge theworld in righteousness and the peoples with his truth; and that hiskingdom of righteousness is the only remedy for the ills ofhumankind.
We confidently appeal to the peoples to rally to the divine standard oftruth thus lifted up, and thereby learn the way that leads to life andhappiness. We call upon all the peoples of good will of every nation,kindred and tongue to disregard the errors invented by the enemySatan and for many years taught man, and to receive and believe thedivine plan for salvation as set forth in the Scriptures.
God's kingdom, for which the peoples have long prayed, is at hand. Italone can and will establish and stabilize the world so that it cannotbe moved. Its ensign of righteousness is the standard now lifted up forthe people. Christ Jesus, as glorified King and great executive officerof Jehovah God. has now become the rightful ruler of the world. Letthe peoples receive, believe and obey him and his laws ofrighteousness. All who so do are certain to receive the blessings ofpeace, prosperity, health, life, liberty and eternal happiness.
-- The WATCH TOWER, October 15, 1925 pages 310 & 311
Here's the fifth, ?A Testimony to the Rulers of the World? (1926)
The INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS In general convention assembled declare their unqualified allegiance and devotion to the Almighty God; and believing it to be their privilege and duty so to do, in obedience to the commandments of God, send this testimony to the governing powers of the world, to wit:
FIRST. That it is of paramount importance that all recognize that Jehovah, the Creator of heaven and earth, is the true and Almighty God, besides whom there is none other; that his plan for man is set forth in the Bible, which is his Word of Truth, and that Christ Jesus is the Executor of Jehovah's plan; that it is now apparent to all that the nations of the world are in dire distress and perplexity; that great trouble, more terrible than any heretofore experienced, is now threatened; that the efforts of the rulers to establish a desirable government or world power have failed: and, now be it known unto you, that the
outworking of God's plan concerning man, and that alone, can and will stabilize the world, and bring lasting peace, prosperity and happiness to the peoples; and that the time has come for those who are exercising governing power over the peoples to recognize these great truths.
SECOND. That the reason for the prevailing condition of perplexity and distress is, because man disobeyed the true God and yielded to the wicked influence of Satan the false god; that Lucifer, originally the rightful overlord of man, because of his disloyalty to God became Satan the Devil, the instigator of all evil, the adversary of Goal and the arch enemy of man; that the evil one alienated man from the true God and caused him to sin, by reason of which man lost his perfect home and his right to life and happiness, that since then man has organized governments and world powers in an attempt to govern himself, but in so doing has ignored the Word of God and submitted to the control of Satan the Devil; that until now God has not interfered with Satan, to the end that man might be free to choose right or wrong and by experience learn the baneful effects of evil; but now the time has come when God will interfere in behalf of the peoples.
THIRD. That Christ Jesus, by his faithfulness unto death, became the Redeemer and Deliverer of mankind; that when on earth he taught that the time for the deliverance of the people would begin when the evil world, under the rulership of Satan, shall end: and that he, Christ Jesus, would return and set up God's kingdom of righteousness that the peoples might know and follow the right way; and for this reason he taught his followers to pray, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as in heaven" ; that in the meantime various world powers have been organized and carried on for the purpose of ruling and controlling the peoples; and these world powers are designated in the Scriptures by the symbol "beast", for the evident reason that they are the result of the combined efforts of the commercial, political and ecclesiastical leaders of men, and are influenced and dominated by Satan, the god of this world; and these powers have been and are military, harsh, cruel and oppressive, and manifest tile spirit of Satan, their invisible ruler or god; and now the repeated cries of oppressed
humanity have reached unto the God of heaven, who will hear and deliver them.
FOURTH. That divine prophecy, now fulfilled and in the course of fulfilment, bears testimony to the fact that Satan's lease of power is done, that the old world has ended, and that the time is at hand when Christ Jesus, the Executive Officer of Jehovah and the rightful King of earth, will oust Satan the evil one and begin His righteous government which shall establish God's will on earth; that beginning with 1914 divine prophecy, in the course of fulfilment, gave
testimony that the end of the evil world had begun in this, to wit: The world war, famine, pestilence, earthquakes, revolutions, the return of the Jews to Palestine and, later, the general distress and perplexity of the nations of the world; that this testimony of the fulfilment of the divine prophecy having been plainly given to the governing powers of the world, there is placed upon the shoulders of the rulers a responsibility that cannot be avoided.
FIFTH. That although Jehovah God furnished conclusive proof that the evil world had ended and that the time for the reign of his beloved Son had come, yet this testimony was ignored and pushed aside by those who should have known better: and contrary to the Word of God the commercial, political and ecclesiastical rulers attempted to stabilize the world and keep the peoples under control by adopting that makeshift which is called the League of Nations and which was wrongfully and blasphemously hailed as tile political expression of God's kingdom on earth; that the real author and father of the League of Nations compact is Satan the Devil, the god of this evil world, amid was put forward by him as his last desperate effort to deceive the peoples, turn them away from the true God, and hold them under his own wicked control; that now after seven years of laborious effort on the part of the proponents of that compact to establish peace and prosperity, it is practically conceded that the League of Nations is a complete failure and that its utter collapse is a matter of only a brief space of time; that even now,
while its advocates are striving to reassemble their forces to maintain that disintegrating and unholy alliance the peoples are hearing the solemn warning of God's prophet concerning the federation, saying, "Associate yourselves. O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; and give ear, all ye of far countries: gird yourselves and ye shall be broken in pieces. Take counsel together and it shall come to nought; speak the word and it shall not stand."-Isaiah 8:9,10.
SIXTH. That by reason of the blinding influence of Satan the minds of the rulers and the ruled are turned away from the true God, and the evil forces are gathering the whole world unto the great battle of the Lord God Almighty; that there is now impending a time of trouble such as the world has never known, during which conflict Satan's powerful organization shall fall, never to rise again, and there shall be such a demonstration of divine power that all the nations will learn that Jehovah is God and that Christ Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords.
SEVENTH. That the great tribulation will reveal to the people the kingdom of God, which kingdom shall rest upon the shoulder of his beloved Son, the Prince of Peace; and of the peace of that kingdom there shall be no end; it will bring the heart's desire of all peoples of good will, and in that kingdom the blind ignorance with which the people have long been afflicted will be forever removed; and with the knowledge of and obedience to God there shall come to the people
everlasting peace, prosperity, health, life, liberty and happiness; and the kingdom will be the complete fulfilment of the prophetic song of the angels, "Peace on earth, good will toward men."
Therefore we earnestly bear before you this testimony: That Jehovah is The God, and that he has installed Christ his Son, as The King of the earth, and bids you to give full obedience to earth's rightful King. Do so and use your influence to turn the minds of the people to THE TRUE GOD, that disaster may not befall you.-Psalm 2:2-12.
-- The WATCH TOWER July 15, 1926 pages 211 & 212
Here's the sixth, ?Resolution to the Peoples of Christendom? (1927)
The International Bible Students in general convention assembled send greetings:
As Christians and witnesses to the Name of Jehovah God we deem it our privilege and duty to call your attention to the following vital facts:
FIRST: That God made of one blood all peoples and nations of men to dwell on the earth, and granted to all peoples equal rights. There is therefore no just cause or excuse for one nation to make war against another nation.
SECOND: That the foremost nations of the earth claim to be Christian nations and, taken collectively, they constitute "Christendom" or "organiged Christianity", socalled; that the men chiefly responsible for the claim that these are Christian nations are the clergymen of the various religious denominations who call themselves by the name of Christ but who in fact have denied him; that their purpose of claiming that these nations are Christian is to induce the peoples to believe that said nations, although military and cruel, are the representatives of God and his Christ on earth; that such claim is fraudulent and false and has turned the minds of millions of honest people away from the true God and from his Christ; that the invisible ruler of the nations of "Christendom", or "organized Christianity" so-called, is Satan the Devil, who has fathered the scheme of forming "organized Christianity" to deceive the people and to keep them in subjection to himself and his agencies.
That the masses of the peoples of the nations are entitled to self-government exercised by the people for the general welfare of all; but instead of enjoying such rights a small minority rules; that the money power of the world has been concentrated into the hands of a few men called high financiers, and these in turn have corrupted the men who make and execute the laws of the nations. and the faithless clergy have voluntarily joined forces with the high financiers and professional politicians and that said unholy alliance constitutes the governing powers that rule the peoples; that the masses of the peoples, acting under a misapprehension of the true facts, have borne up, carried, supported and maintained "organized Christianity"; and that without the support of the common people the unholy alliance constituting "organized Christianity" could not long exist.
THIRD: That for centuries the privileges enjoyed by men have been wholly unequal and unfair. The multitudes have produced the wealth of the world, but have been unjustly deprived of the fruits of their labors. That the leaders of "Christendom" instead of teaching the children of men the doctrines of Christ, whom they claim to follow, teach them to murder their fellow creatures; and that now the rulers are amalgamating the common people with the military, in order to make all the peoples a part of and subject to their great war machine; that by unjust laws the common people, contrary to their own wishes, have been compelled to go to war against each other, resulting in great sorrow and suffering, multitudes of broken hearts and millions of untimely graves: that "organized Christianity" has turned a deaf ear to the petitions and entreaties of the people for relief, and now the cries of the oppressed people have entered into the ears of Jehovah God, and his time is at hand to give the peoples deliverance and freedom.
FOURTH : That Jehovah is the only true God, the Friend and benefactor of the peoples. He has now set his beloved Son Christ Jesus upon his throne and bids all the people of earth to hear and to obey him who is earth's rightful King.
FIFTH: That the kings and rulers of the earth, to wit: those constituting the said unholy alliance, have been duly notified that God has set his King upon his throne and that his kingdom is at hand; but they refuse to understand or to take heed, and they walk on in darkness. Therefore God has decreed and declared that there shall come upon the world a time of tribulation such as never was known and that during that trouble "Christendom" or "organized Christianity", so-called, and all of Satan's organization shall be destroyed; and that Christ Jesus, the righteous King, will assume complete authority and control and will bless the peoples of earth.
SIXTH: That it must be now apparent to all thoughtful peoples that relief, comfort and blessings so much desired by them can never come from the unrighteous system of "Christendom" or "organized Christianity", and that there is no reason to give further support to that hypocritical and oppressive system. In this hour of perplexity Jehovah God bids the peoples to abandon and for ever forsake "Christendom" or "organized Christianity" and to turn completely away from it, because it is the Devil's organization, and to give it no support whatsoever; and that the peoples give their heart's devotion and allegiance wholly to Jehovah God and to his King and kingdom and receive full freedom and the blessings God has in store for them.
SEVENTH : For four thousand years the cherished desire of Jews has been God's Messianic kingdom. For nineteen centuries that kingdom has been the hope of real Christians. It is now at hand. True to his promise God by and through the reign of Christ will lift the burdens of the peoples, free them from war, fraud and oppression, from sickness, suffering and death and give to them a righteous government and the blessings of everlasting peace, prosperity, life, and happiness.
-- The WATCH TOWER, October 15, 1927 pages 307 & 308
And lastly, here's the seventh, ?Declaration Against Satan and for Jehovah? (1928)
THE Bible Students in international convention assembled do declare themselves against Satan and wholly for Jehovah of hosts, and emphatically announce further these vital truths, to wit:
First : That the peoples of earth organized into forms of government and under the control of a superior and invisible ruler constitute the world;
Second: That Jehovah is the only true and Almighty God and the source of all just authority ; that he is the King Eternal, the God of justice, wisdom, love and power and the true friend and benefactor of all creation ;
Third : That Jehovah delegated to his son Lucifer the authority to be the overseer of man; that Lucifer became disloyal, rebelled against God and caused man to fall away from righteousness, and since that rebellion Lucifer has been known by the titles Dragon, Serpent, Satan and Devil; that Satan the Devil has caused strife amongst the nations and is responsible for all the cruel wars, wicked murders, all heinous crimes and other corrupt acts that have been committed; that until now Jehovah has not restrained Satan from the exercise of power and influence over man, to the end that mankind might learn the baneful results of evil doing; that for many centuries Satan has been the invisible ruler of the world, constantly defaming the name of Jehovah God and working great injury to men and nations;
Fourth : That Jehovah promised that in his due time he would restrain Satan and establish a righteous government in the earth that men might have an opportunity for life everlasting in happiness; and to that end he anointed his beloved Son Jesus to be the redeemer and invisible ruler of the world;
Fifth: That Jehovah's due time has come to fulfil his promise and to clear his reputation in the minds of all creation; that Christ Jesus has taken his high office as the executive of Jehovah and the great issue now is, Who is God and who shall rule the peoples and nations?
Sixth : That because Satan will not surrender his wicked rule over the nations and peoples of the earth, Jehovah of hosts with his anointed executive officer Christ Jesus will press the conflict against Satan and all of his forces of evil, and henceforth our battle-cry shall be, THE SWORD OF JEHOVAH AND OF HIS ANOINTED; that the great battle of Armageddon soon to begin will result in the full restraint of Satan and the complete overthrow of his evil organization, and that Jehovah will establish righteousness in the earth by and through Christ the new ruler and will emancipate mankind from evil and bring everlasting blessings to all the nations of the earth;
Seventh: Therefore the due time has come for all who love righteousness to take their stand on the side of Jehovah and obey and serve him with a pure heart, that they may receive the boundless blessings which the Almighty God has in reservation for them.
-- The WATCH TOWER September 15, 1928 pages 278,279
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