When I was a bethelite 1974-76 the evening meals were what we called free-seating (no asigned seating).
I sat at a table with (GB member)George Gangas. He would regularly have questions that he would ask the younger brothers (kind of a Bible trivia).
But being that I was only baptized 2 or 3 years I didn't want to answer questions, but I had one I wanted to asked him.
What is this Spiritual Paradise that the Society keeps talking about?
When I asked him he choked on his soup, and said he didn't know.
I felt bad that he didn't know.
About 2 days latter I sit at his table and basically the same brothers are their. And so I say I have another question, but this time another brother(who was there for the first question) say emphatically "Only If It's Upbuilding".
The question was about slander.
I asked "If we tell the truth can it be called Slander?
I don't remember his reply to that one, but I asked it to Albert D. Schroeder,and he said istill could be callled slander.
Replies anyone.