1. Using only the Bible, show how early Christians were ruled by a "governing body."
2. When Jesus' disciples asked for a "sign" of his coming, Jesus was quite specific about what that "sign" was to be. In Matthew 24:30, he states, "And then the sign of the Son of man will appear..." What did he specifically say that "sign" would be?
3. What was the disgusting teaching that Hymenaeus and Philetus taught that is mentioned in 2 Timothy 2:16-18? Can you name a religion who teaches that very same doctrine started occurring in 1918? If the first resurrection occurred in 1918, then the former teaching of it occurring in 1878 was apostasy. If the first resurrection occurred in 1878, then the current 1918 teaching is an apostasy. If the resurrection has not yet occurred then both of those dates are apostasy.
4. If the twelve tribes of 12,000 people each in Revelation 7 are not literal tribes of literal people, how can the sum of these non-literal tribes represent 144,000 literal people?
5. How can any symbol of something be more valuable than that which it represents? The flag is a symbol of a government. Which is more important: the flag or the government it represents? The WTS teaches that blood is the symbol of life. How then, can the blood itself be more important than the life it can save? Does God consider a fluid to be worth more than a living, breathing child of his?
6. The WTS teaches that hundreds of millions of babies will be slaughtered by God's own hand at Armageddon because their parents didn't become JWs. They argue that because their parents are "wicked" (not JWs), the children would grow up being "wicked" (not becoming JWs) also. That being the case, the children had no chance from the beginning. God KNEW IN ADVANCE that the children would grow up to be wicked because of an accident of their birth to "wicked" parents. In effect, God had doomed them from the beginning of their birth and he knew it. The children don't have any chance to try to redeem themselves when they got older. What kind of God would do such a thing?
7. Please show conclusive proof from the Bible that people deserve to be shunned by relatives and then murdered by God and to be dead for all of eternity for smoking a cigarette. By celebrating the date of one's birth. By celebrating the resurrection of Jesus.
8. Name one example in the Bible where God communicated his Will to his followers through an "organization" rather than individual people. If God NEVER worked that way in the Bible, why should we think he would work that way now? What evidence do we have from God himself that he would now work that way?
9. Did the Devil REALLY take Jesus to the top of a mountain and show him ALL the kingdoms on earth? Did the Devil show him China? America? Europe? How could Jesus possibly see all the kingdoms on earth from a single place on a round planet? It is impossible. So, if that story is not true, why shouldn't we be skeptical about other stories found in the Bible?
10. According to the WTS, Jesus has been "reigning" as King in Heaven for 90 years now. What has he done that will give us even a shred of proof that he's been "reigning" for almost a hundred years? Matthew 24 tells us that the "sign" of his return as King would be that every eye would see him in the heavens. He didn't say he would be invisible, did he? If we are to consider that verse to be figurative, then why would Jesus mention ACTUAL wars, ACTUAL earthquakes, ACTUAL famines as part of his sign, and then give us a FIGURATIVE answer to what that sign really was?
That's enough for now. BTW, I'm fine, alamb. Don't worry about it.