Keep On The Watch!! Who Are They Referring To In This Article?

by Sweetp0985 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sweetp0985

    My mom will not stop leaving her JW mags around my house everytime she visits. She says she's leaving them for my brother. I just happened to come across the new magazine/brochure whatever the hell it is. "Keep On The Watch!" I asked her if this was a new Watchtower but she said no. Anyway I was scanning through the book and came across this. I thought it was rather interesting because it seems to me they are blatantly referring to the "molesters" within the congregations and still upholding them because of a little "sin"..I couldn't find the article online anywhere and if it's been posted on this board before sorry for the repost...

    from page 28

    "Above All Things, Have Intense Love"

    13 Love moves us to overlook the shortcomings of others. Recall that when admonishing his readers to "have intense love for one another," Peter gave the reason why this is so important: "Because love covers a multitude of sins."(1 Peter 4:8) To 'cover' sins does not mean to 'cover up' serious sins. Such matters are rightly reported to and handled by responsible ones in the congregation. (Leviticus 5:1;Proverbs 29:24) It would be most unloving--and unscriptural--to allow gross sinners to continue hurting or victimizing innocent ones.--1 Corinthians 5:9-13.

    14 In most cases, the mistakes and faults of fellow believers are minor in nature. We all stumble in word or deed at times, disappointing or even hurting one another. (James 3:2) Should we be quick to publicize the shortcomings of others?(Silent Lambs perhaps?) Such a course would only serve to create friction in the congregation. (Ephesians 4:1-3) If we are governed by love, we will not "give away a fault" of a fellow worshiper. (Psalm 50:20) Just as a plaster and paint cover the imperfections of a wall, so love covers the imperfections of others.--Proverbs 17:9.

    The lettering in red is what I added by everything else is verbatim except for my typos. So they want you to let love cover a multitude of sins and not let gross sinners continue hurting or victimizing innocent ones, but at the same time they say don't publicize it. So does that mean don't go out in the public with it or just tell the elders and don't warn others in the congregation, or to keep from creating friction don't tell anyone and let Jehovah handle it???

    What is your opinions on this?

  • Elsewhere

    They want JWs to report problems to the elders while at the same time cover over the problems. It's all about control and image.

    The WTS wants to control the people and also wants to look good to the world.

  • Farkel

    : What is your opinions on this?

    I think it is a bit of stretch to conclude that those words were written so that dubs would forgive child molesters for their sins.


  • Margie

    Yet another mixed message from our friends in Brooklyn. What they really mean is that everyone should report everyone else's misconduct to the elders and then the elders will figure out what to cover over. J-holes.

  • Elsewhere
    I think it is a bit of stretch to conclude that those words were written so that dubs would forgive child molesters for their sins.


    Not really. In the KH that I went to there was a "new brother" that everyone was doting over and praising for his "strong faith and activity in the ministry work"... the thing that the JWs found to be most impressive about him was that he became a JW while in prison. What he had been convicted of was forbidden to talk about amongst the rank and file, but as the son of an elder I was privy to what he had done... he was a convicted violent rapist.

    What I find most amazing was how he and the elders considered it "persecution" for his parole officer to tell him that he could not go door-to-door in the preaching work. He ended up doing more time because he violated his parole officer's orders.

    He later married a woman in the congregation... not too soon afterward she was in front of the elders being told that she should not "agitate" him and cause him to beat her.

    *** Edited to fix spelling error - Thanks CG! ***

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    My take is that you should tell your Mother to stop leaving *crap* all over your house that you don't want. I'd tell *her* that she will come to your house, and act respectfully by not leaving tracts/brochures around that are reminders of the CULT you were involved in.

    I finally put a stop to my Mother's machinations over the whole family's affairs last fall. She had complained the previous year that I always held family gatherings (only two of my family are in now) ON the day of the Thansgiving celebration. She also told my Father I was "doing it on purpose." Gee.. yeah.. I was doing it when the rest of the United States was doing it! Soo... I had the Thansgiving get together on the day BEFORE Thanksgiving year before last. She was quite happy to come and be with her family and we had a fun time. Next year, I do the same. I held it two days AFTER Thanksgiving. There would be no turkey, dressing, or decorations. We had lamb, which is pretty conventional in a greek home. By the way,my Father is Greek Orthodox, and he had to put up with her shit for many years. She sends my Father with the message: "We can't come because it's bothering our consciences." She sends HIM with the message, two minutes before the lamb comes outta the oven. I set the table for that many people, I bought food for that many people.. and I don't even rate enough to get a phone call from her a few days before saying she couldn't come. She sends the message with my Father at dinner time. I was pissed beyond belief! I don't even get the courtesy of a phone call BEFORE I begin dinner prepartions that they weren't coming.

    My Father, being the swell guy that he is, took me into another room and said that I needed to apologize to my MOTHER for all the "apostate" stuff I had said to her. I told him, point blank, that I wasn't apologizing for shit because what I stated was THE TRUTH, and I wasn't backing down. My Father didn't quite know what to think about that, because when you are a Greek daughter, you don't go against what your Father says. Then he called my husband into the room and reiterated that he needed to "control his wife." My husband, Rat, laughed and said "She does what she wants." Bless his heart. My Father told me that I was "causing Divisions." Ugh.. wonder where that wording came from? He was very upset and said that he didn't want to die with the all the girls in an uproar. I said "Mother said she was going to come to the event, and she didn't even call and cancel. She ddn't even give me the courtesy that is allowed for worldly people. Bet she wouldn't do that with her JW friends. Bet she wouldn't" I was very upset. He said he would talk to her.

    Next day, I get a call from her. She said she was sorry for not calling me before-hand and tellingme she wasn'tcoming even though she had assured me that her and my brother were coming. I asked if she would have done that to her JW friens, and she had no answer. She said that I have been influenced by a bunch of "apostates" and that anything, basically, that comes outta me is fraud. I said that I just wanted to have a get-together with all the family, and I had planned Thanksgiving the DAY AFTER so that they could come, and she said she was sorry, but her conscience wouldn't allow that to happen, even though the friggin year before she came, and the year before that she friggin complained to cause the change. I said I was tired of the whole family revolving around that cult religion. She said "You can revolve around whatever you want. " How cool...

    I called the house in March and said I was going to the Silent Lambs' conference and that hit a big wall. So far, she doesn't call and I realize it is because she now knows full well what I think about this religion and her involvement in it. That's okay... I have to live my life in a real way.. not a fake cult-influenced way.

    Country Girl

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    my favorite saying about this: you *are* what you *do*. He should have been more monitored by his parole officer. By the way.. it's "parole" officer and not "payroll" officer as one implies being paid, and the other implies being supervised. Hugs..

    Country Girl

  • Elsewhere

    Here is a bit of information from the Texas Sex Offender Database on our "Fine Upstanding Brother"...

    03401931 10/12/1964 NOT AVAILABLE MALE White
    Height Weight Eye Color Hair Color Shoe Size
    602 210 HAZ BRO 12

    Sex Offender PhotoPhoto(s)
    This is the Current Photo

    Click to view all 5 photo(s)

    Alias NamesName

    Sex Offender Registration Record
    Date Agency
    10/25/1999 TX1230000 BEAUMONT SO JEFFERSON CO

    Sex Offender Verification Record
    Date Agency
    10/11/2003 TX1230000 BEAUMONT SO JEFFERSON CO

    Offense Data
    Sex Offender Offense
    Offense 11990004 Aggravated Sexual Assault Child
    General Offense Code
    Counts 1
    Victim's Sex Female
    Victim's Age 6.0
    Disposition Date 03/01/1989
    Time 12Y
    Status PAROLED

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Friggin creep.


  • TallTexan

    What a HUGE crock of shit!!!! And it's SO sickeningly sweet! Like, "we would NEVER do anything wrong, so please stop nit picking at us (whine, whine)"

    Cover over sins????!!! Anyone who tries to cover over a sin gets brought before a judicial committee for 'sharing in the sins of others'. You all hit it right on the head - they want you to TELL THE ELDERS and let THEM decide what to cover over, meantime you're not supposed to talk about it or publicize it in any way, even if it is NOT taken care of and may result in harm to others. Holy SHIT I forgot how disgusting and stupid they are......

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