Lady Lee's "Best of" was an AWESOME idea....keep them coming....
RE: The Best of
by TallTexan 12 Replies latest jw experiences
Lady Lee
Thanks TT There are more on the way. It will take me time to wade through the archives but I hope to have at least one new one later today - maybe 2 new ones
I agree.....thanks for your hard work, Lady Lee.
True LL very good..
I do want you all to know I suggested to her The best of SheilaM's fluffy threads about Thunder....SHE TURNED ME DOWN FLAT ....Then I thought how bout a Best of SheilaM's I can kill a thread...again a resounding NOMan whats a girl gotta do Lee LOL ((((Smoochies))))) j/jokin
It would be great to have a topic subheading entitled "Best Of" to have it all together for easy reference. Or maybe there already is an easy way to do that??
Lady Lee
Bub Go to the scroll down ACTION bar at the top of the page. Click on the aroow and the Best of... is second from the top
or click on Jehovahs Witness Discussion Forum at the top of the page - sceond from the top. Simon is ahead of us and put this together the other day
Lady Lee
My apologies to those who saw the new thread with all broken links. It will take me time but I have to do it all over again grrrrrrrr
johnny cip
thank you lady LEE; great work with many great expose's on the craptower. all in a nice neat bundle. very effective....john
Lady Lee
well it didn't take me as long as I thought to fix the problem so the new thread is now posted
All the Best of topics can be found at
i had aneuromuscular injury
the jehovahs witnesses forced treatment on it, to force me in a wheelchair to go preaching against my will and against medical instrucrions
with bombardment and abuse. taking control physically of the situation, the injuries incurred virtually crippled me, why am i not entitled to sue them for the injuries, and arrests, for compensation
i want 10 million in compensation for suffering and injuries.