(first time posting link...hope it works)
I got a letter back from my mom. The link above is the letter I sent her. Her letter was 12 pages long and was quite disappointing. The good part is that she did respond and rather quickly.
She went on for pages about her father abusing her when she was a young child - which we already knew about. And said she was telling me that so that I could understand how much it meant to her to have Jehovah and Jesus in her life. And how she wanted me in the NS with her so bad. That she would not do anything against Jah because she has to be there for her son (who died after birth). She told me twice not to tell her how Jah feels about her shunning me because she knows from the bible how he feels!
She said I could write occasionally - but not to push her for more. She also had to emphasize that she tried to hold me back from getting baptized at 13 - but I insisted. (Please - 13 year olds will insist on all sorts of things!)
Basically the letter was all about her - selfish and just and swirl of JWisms. I'm just so upset because my letter was heartfelt and she couldn't just comment on me missing her or god forbid her missing me. And she really thinks she has a monopoly on god and the bible. Like I have no right to read the bible and pray and have my own feelings or opinions about it.
I tried to prepare myself for disappointment - but its hard not to hope for more. Its disappointing to see that my mom has only gotten sicker and more entrenched in the Borg. It's so hard to believe that 1995 wasn't totally disapointing for her.
I will write back - as soon as the anger disipates and I can be objective and loving again.
Thanks for listening guys.