Wow great account. It is amazing to me how logic either hits you or doesn't even at age 13 when my mom would drop me off at the laundry mat, I would read the religious tracts left there by other religions. Even though I had been warned against it, I always felt if you really had the truth, it would stand out against the lies, so if I read the tract and it made more sense than the religion I was in, the other religion was true and vice versa. As JW's we were always told to seek out those with an open heart and mind, but we weren't allowed to have either.
I feel for you in not being close to your friend anymore. I think we all probably had a very dear friend in the truth that we couldn't share our new views with. It seems to put a weird barrier in between the two of you. You really want to tell them everything, but know if you do they would leave and break your heart. HANG IN THERE. It is sad, but the feeling passes with time. Alot of time mind you but it does pass.